[Archive] Tabletopwelt present Chaosdwarf army bock


I and some other Member prepare an army book in the forum Tabletopwelt.de since a half year. We are not finished yet, but nevertheless already most rules finished placed. Still the rare units and the special character must be finished placed. But otherwise we have everything from magic articles to magic finished. (Up to now hardly test plays are still through led) We again presented and for the new army book made also units suited like the Whirlwind. Above all to us still, we are missing to design about designs of talented artists much would be pleased.

[align=center]Left to the rules![/align]

[align=center]Left to the discussion![/align]

PS. Please the bad English, YAHOO forgives is debt�?� :- (

PSS. The rules are on German, have it best you by a program translated!

Yours sincerely



We look for plays testers and arts for Chaosdwarfpicturs!


Lol.  This is so ironic.  Did you know I just put my own pdf on tabletopwelt.de earlier today?

I don’t speak german though, but I was on the projekt group that has been on there ages.


No, this is a completely new project and has nothing at all with the old to add purely, except it in the same forum takes place and also the goal has the chaos dwarves to present again! (However differently than the old project is not to fail ours.) We do not follow actually at all the old project and have from there completely different results. I would like to get straight which we nothing at all with the old project together to have not also purely and we also from him dissociate themselves. Even if we let flow experience from this project possibly into ours also and us also old Member working on the former project are welcome.


All I meant was that many months after I completed my latest version, the very same day that I put a link to my pdf over there you put yours over here!

We must be psychic :slight_smile:

I see you’ve got the whirlwind/ tenderiser in your version. Are you including lots of the old war machines?


Yes, perhaps we do not include also still the Juggernaut, this know we however yet. And if with any restriction!