28mm Brazen Bastards, A Community Sculpting Initiative [Reaver Loves Crafting: Dec 30 2024]

Great point Zodd! The primary pantheon of Chaos Dwarf gods have been mentioned (Hashut, Walhut, Hashoot)

but we could certainly consider classic reinterpretations of those other inconsequential Chaos gods. The measly 4, if you will. @Loidrial has already dibble dabbled in some hedonistic art.


5? Malal? Haha i think they prey on the other gods a bit?


so let me start from the begin of this thread, this thing surely flourished during the last 24h!

  1. Submit Offerings - Mail to Oxy’s shed(s), making sure to use plenty of packing material for Eddy’s mattress.
    I second this, that shed is a mess, cant do it all alone, need some help from the forum as well

on @Reaver take on my old djinn sorcerer entry, guys, you have no idea how fucking excited i was when he shown me his WIP! he was half way through the model when i saw it the 1st time, and my jaw dropped like in those classic cartoons! i’m still so damn excited today!!

My head is always spinning with fun stupid jokes (like my quick mesopotamian Hashoot sketch) alterned by not being english motherlanguage, so mistakes like WAR-Lus are on a daily base with me hauhuahuauha

i’ll throw in the cauldron many more dumb ideas, some will land at some point.
It’s a pleasure to brainstorm with you all guys, cant wait for the future to happen sooner!


Oss Crook-Finger
Work in progress, image heavy!

Since you all freakin rock. And to prevent @Zoddtheimmortal from blowing the lid off his pastel purple teapot. Let the bastardly updates continue.

As he’s already mentioned here. Chaos but shorter is on the menu. Here is the source material, Chaos Bone Champion.

Zodd unknowingly prompted this sculpt after the bastards project was already well underway. Having recently gone back to the land of the undead, this was a very fun sculpt to pick up.

Went away from the dollie on this one but made every attempt to size accordingly.

Head was done in 3 stages. Basic shape, main helm details, hornamentation

“Pull my finger” - @Loidrial , definitely

Everyone needs a chaotic pouch, perhaps containing two gross beans or some other baubles. The most difficult part of this one was tuning the sword length and arm angles to get the pose close to the original.


Oss Crook-Finger

Final images, particularly happy with the bone pauldrons bringing the sculpt together. Hopefully this second sculpt solidifies that ALL STYLES are on the table.

Touched up the sword hilt and cloth near the neck. Even if it might need digital resizing on other sculpts I think this helm will be useful on other bodies. More to come on that soon.


Interchangeable heads and arms on different bodies seems a great idea. So many possibilities…

That chaos champion was my favourite on the old combat card game

Great work again

Ill have to print a few cd dollies when i get the time and balls to try out new printer.

Keep going…


This is the most amazing project, you crazy, magnificent bastards.


Holy Hashut! This is an amazing idea.


Secluded with poor internet, bad skiing weather, and nothing but my sculpting tools… this weekend has been bastardly. Looking forward to sharing a few more arsinine ideas soon.


Great work @Reaver ! Exquisite.

And now those are two concepts I would love to see turned into miniatures, @Anzu ! Good idea. Maybe I should try something in a similar vein when I get started on the parts @MichaelX kindly sent me.


Porco Dio!
Work in progress, image heavy!

In contrast, started right off with the head. Porco Dio was an obvious must have for the Bastards from day 1.

Started work on some of his meat themed weapons. Didn’t quite go for full on sausage link nunchucks. Some slight Barry the Chopper inspiration interjected.

A couple of teases here for a still not done bastard alongside the front and back of the preliminary porco-fork from the rumor engine

Decided a non pig head was a good idea for those that don’t worship the Italian Pantheon.

Reworked the porco-fork for heroic sizing, added pig tail to the back of the helm. Basically done!


Porco Dio!

Final images of meme made manifest. Perhaps other swear pantheon gods will arrive?

Not sure what to do with the loose nunchucks… but oh well, included for completeness. Piggy polearm was too good to Brian.


They look fantastic!
Both would fit into my army, one as a mutant cd akin to four a miniatures hog cd. The other just looks nice and chaos-y. Great job!
That should be cast in metal tbh

What sort of scale are you building all these to? My cds are around the 2cm mark


The gridlines in the final pictures of each are in 1/2" increments. (Don’t have a metric cutting mat to my dismay)

In general we are looking to have them rank nicely on 20mm bases, although in theory once scanned minor scale issues could be erased by the user. Or someone could print at a scale comparable to their own army. A nice feature of this process in my opinion.

I’d be open to getting these in metal after scanning, although I may have made some poor choices that would hurt their chances of coming out clean in metal. Not sure.


Stunning work! I`m simply thrilled! :smiley:


Unreal, you’re sculpting is insane, professional quality :cd1990:


this one in particular, as i told you already, reminds me a lot of the monsters from darkest dungeon
so much Porco Dio, i can finally say it.
This will be maybe a bit difficult to add it on our instagram page xD maybe i’ll just put the reference

Bravo Reaver! Porco Dio you are fucking Bravo


Fantastic, they are getting better and better @Reaver . That hog looks so cool and I love the horseshoe crab shields(?) – gives me Morrowind vibes.


Thanks all! hopefully finishing one more in the coming weeks.

Good guess! I’ve got the arms laid out for that future bastard. but not much more… Hadn’t thought of the Morrowind vibe, really not sure why I’ve taken to sculpting horseshoe crabs so much.


This might not be my favourite thread ever…it might just be my favourite anything ever.

I had high expectations but everyone has immediately exceeded them. Hearty applause all round!