[Archive] Pyro's XXX White Dwarf

Pyro Stick:

Base from Foundations of War

Pyro Stick:

Ill update this thread with the last edition of the white dwarf once i strip it and re paint it.


runes of hushut on the bugmans cape? I love it!!!

Pyro Stick:

Its a fairly non sensical paint job but i like it.

Kera foehunter:

Great job on the 3 wise dwarfs tis the season.


A rune of Hashut on the back of the cloak :smiley:

That dude on the shield needs to take more care in the Dwarfs he recruits…


Nice paint job, but you need to make sure the rune of hashut follows the folds of the cloak, otherwise it looks a bit odd

Pyro Stick:

I think the rune on the cloak looks fine.


Are you planning to use them in an army?


Very nice model…but just doesnt seem EVIL enough. Maybe some tusks, chaos weapons,etc. They seem like “regular” Dwarves in dark clothing, not Chaos Dwarves.

Pyro Stick:

Well thats what they are. Regular dwarfs in chaos dwarf clothing/armour.


HOOZAAR man that looks hot