[Archive] Golden Hat #4 - Winner!


We have a winner! Cheers to all who entered, not our best turn out, but not bad considering it was the holidays. I will be trying hard to restore the site to business as usual. But I have been fairly busy as of late. Nevermind me…

Congratulations are in order for our winner! al-hashut!

The entries were made by these members:

Entry 1 - al-hashut

Entry 2 - Grimstonefire

Entry 3 - Theory_Man

Entry 4 - melic67

Entry 5 - Hashut’s Blessing


1st: al-hashut

2nd: Grimstonefire

3rd: Theory_Man

I will upload this to the site when I find the time!

Check here for discussion of GHV!


-Xander :cheers

Ghrask Dragh:

:hat off Congratulations to al-hashut!!



Congrats to all. Congrats to al-hashut!


congrats to all that entered, a worthy winner IMO!


The Flying Beaver:

Here I was thinking that Ishkur made the winning entry. Well, congrats Al-Hashut. :cheers

Kera foehunter:

great job guys !!! great job Al-Hashut .


Well done al-hashut (and everyone else who entered)! Could youi take some more photos of the orc with the rock? I’d like to see that one better.


Yes, congrats to Al-Hashut :hat off - and to GSF, Theory_Man, Melic67 and Hashut’s Blessing too.

Now lets see a real CD comp. at GH V. :wink:


Thanks guys, i couldn’t have done it without all the little ppl, my agent, God teary eyed smile and all the other award accepting cliches.

Congratulations to all the other contestants for their hard work and brilliant conversions, especially Grimstonefire’s excellent firmir. As for my entry being thought of as the work of Ishkur, well to say the least i’m flattered, had he entered i’m sure the result would have been very different.

Cheers again, and i’ll try and take some pics of the hard toiling orc tonite and post them 2moro for those who are interested (is it ok to post them in this thread?). Sorry for the l8 reply but have been busy with uni and…gulp, a 40k guard army (cowers argh,not the face)



Great stuff. I voted for you!!


Here’s the promised pic, hope it’s what you wanted.






Congratulations al-hashut! :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

Well done to all, congratultaions al-hasut on the win!