[Archive] My first Chaos dwarfs are finnished


Ok so here are my first chaos dwarfs. They are of the big hat kind and look like this:

I’ve tried a few different ways of painting the armour but i have a hard time choosing between the metal looking or the red. So I made a small poll to get some feedback. which kind do you guys think looks best? Here are some close ups of the minis:

metal looking armour:

Or Red painted Armour:

Right now I’m leaning towards the metal armour but I wanted some feedback because I really like the red patterned as well.

cheers and thanks

Thommy H:

Nice stuff.

Do it different for each unit. Some in red, some in metal.


Very nice work there. I’d go for metal in general, but as Thommy said a unit or two in red would look good and break up the vast swathe of metal nicely.

Ghrask Dragh:

If it’s either or I would go for the metal look, there’s enough red in that for it still to look the part.

But having said that Thommy has a good point. A little variety like that would come in handy to break up the somewhat tedious job of unit painting. I would see how you do, if you get a bit bored of the same thing switch it up :cheers

Excellent job on the metallics, is that gold armour on the far right?, your sculpting and conversions look really nice painted :hat off


I vote metal-looking! Very nice conversions and painting also, by the way.


Wicked stuff, but I am torn on colour choice.


Nice work! Count me in for the red armor.


Thanks for your replies! :cheers I was thinking of doing all dwarfs in the same color for the armour, but you all make a good point I think I’ll paint one unit in red and the other two metal. I can always repaint them if I don’t like it.

Excellent job on the metallics, is that gold armour on the far right?, your sculpting and conversions look really nice painted :hat off

Ghrask Dragh
thanks and to answer your question, no, it’s bronze but the picture doesn’t show that very well.

Sorry for the rather crppy pictures. My wife and kids are away for the weekend and she took our good camera with her so I had to use the old crppy one :rolleyes:

Kera foehunter:

i like the red !!!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wow, both look great. Use both, they will go nicely with each other!

Hashut’s Blessing:

I’d say do what you have there (maybe not quite so green on the cloth around the red armour though). I.E. Have units made up of reds, metallics and bronzes. IMO, it’ll look better that way, than in regiments…


looks great, nice work!!:cheers

…i just cant decide, like some others already said, use both colors!



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Again thanks all of you! Your feedback increases my motivation by a lot :slight_smile:

I’d say do what you have there (maybe not quite so green on the cloth around the red armour though). I.E. Have units made up of reds, metallics and bronzes. IMO, it’ll look better that way, than in regiments…

Hashut’s Blessing
Yeah I wasn’t to keen on the green eihter so an hour or so ago I painted all the arms black with with gray high lights. I might do the same for the cloth around the armour.


Hashut’s Blessing:

I think the green looks great on the others, but no so much on the red armour…


Niiiiiiiiice! I really like those. Very well done. I voted for metal, but the red doesnt look bad either. Bronze is imo the best of those. But as Ishkur said, they go nicely together so it would look good with all of those mixed. Keep the good work comin’!!!


I vote that you mix the two… or perhaps have a unit of red and a unit of metallic. By the way, how’d you do the hats?


Thanks guys :slight_smile:

I vote that you mix the two… or perhaps have a unit of red and a unit of metallic. By the way, how’d you do the hats?

The first one is made from a top of an ogre club the third one is made from the loose cannon shell from the dwarf cannon set. The other three are made using the plastic plugs you put into the wall after drilling a hole for a screw and some green stuff to make the curved shape.

You can see some WIP green stuff pictures of them in my army blog here



wow, i really love your dwarfs, they have lots of character! ^^

my opinion about your armor is: use both! personally i like the red more (looks clearer and not so “glossy” ^^), but this depend from person to person. i’m don’t like uniform painting very much, it looks boring. small differences are cool, especially for evil armys (wich have “chaos” in their name :)). mybe add some Brass-armor, too