Anzu's Chaos Dwarfs [2023-01-28]

@Antenor Thank you. I like to overdo them a bit on purpose. I keep telling myself that this will make painting more interesting (I don’t really enjoy painting non-textured surfaces – if you ever want to punish me, force me to paint a Space Marine :wink: ) but in the end I do it because it reminds me a bit of Greek or Roman statues. It’s also rather easy to do, so I do the sculpting in one go. All I need for cloth is this single tool:

Green Stuff/Procreate, does not matter, works well with either. I’ve heard people saying that professional sculptors don’t use clay shapers but I honestly cannot fully believe this statement if it comes to cloth – not because it is not possible with metal tools but because it would be unnecessarily hard if you were to add intricate folding patterns. I can post a proper tutorial later but as I said, it’s really not that hard. Clay shapers create very soft transitions, perfect for any organic shapes. The rest is just copying what you have seen on other miniatures or real photographs.

And yes, I know, Fuggit does not use/like it. :smiley: