Anzu's Chaos Dwarfs [2023-01-28]

Artisan’s Contest XXXIV update


Seasoned members of the forum will recognise this as yet another stunty wearing the Dendra panoply. So after @Admiral (his backstabbing hobgoblin wears the boar tusk helmet, hence the excellent tutorial) and @Antenor (which sadly never came to fruition), I’m the third in line to honour this rather anachronistic-looking piece of equipment.

I did not want to do yet another big hat, so I figured that the plate armour is almost at home with the old school chaos dwarfs (might be a bit of a stretch w.r.t. the contest theme but after all I wanted it to fit into my own army). I struggled quite a bit with the anatomy: I originally wanted him to be proportioned more like the old school CDs but the nature of this armour and old sculpting habits made him look exactly like my other CDs sizewise. I also struggled with the width as I made his hip to wide (take your time with the armature!). I should have probably started over when I noticed it but I wanted to get the miniature done in time. My hope is that once the shoulder pads are added, that this will not look as bad (not very evident on the contest photos as clever me only shot pictures from an angle :wink: ). I’m very happy with the head, I got a lot faster here and as mentioned, I wholeheartedly vouch for Admiral’s tutorial. In contrast to the quick sketch, I will give him a real beard as every dwarf needs to have a beard.

Some WIP shots: