[Archive] 2000pts I'm finally happy with it!

Time of Madness:

Well it has taken be a while, but I’ve finally come up with a 2000pt list that I’m fairly happy with. Unfortunately it still has a couple of weaknesses the main one being a lack of magic defence.


Chaos Dwarf Lord

- Taurus

- Armour of Furnace

- Black Hammer of Hashut

- Shield

= 443pts

Chaos Dwarf Hero (General)

- Heavy Armour/Enchanted Shield

- Black Gem

= 109pts

Chaos Dwarf Hero (Bsb)

- Sword of Might

- Armour of Gazrakh

= 135pts

Chaos Dwarf Sorceror

- 2 Dispel Scrolls

= 115pts


24 Chaos Dwarf Warriors

General Here

- Full Command

- Hand weapon/shield

- Warbanner

= 271pts

24 Chaos Dwarf Warriors

Bsb here

- Full Command

- Hand weapon/shield

= 246pts

15 Blunderbusses

Sorceror here

= 180pts

10 Hobgoblins

= 20pts

10 Hobgoblins

= 20pts

10 Hobgoblins

= 20pts


Death Rockets

= 80pts

Death Rockets

= 80pts

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

= 30pts

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

= 30pts



= 110pts

5 Bull Centaurs

- Heavy armour and great weapons

= 105pts

TOTAL POINTS = 1994pts

5 war machines might be a little much, but I’m going to need them against magic heavy lists.

I’m hoping my taurus/centaurs can operate on a flank threatening my opponent.

Opinions? Changes?

Time of Madness


I like the list its good - i am not a fan personally of flying monsters - but if thats your thing then go with it.

The only clear weaknesss is the lack of magic defence


You have my favorite combo: Taurus Lord equipped the way you have him. He’s a lot of fun.

You also went a little low magic, but while you have a weaker defense, you keep your general in your lines. Which helps. I’d still want a 2nd scroll caddy/staff of sorcery bearer as the area I’m in goes a little heavier on magic. Of course, if used right, you can hunt mages with your list.

How will you use the mini-hob units? They’re dirt cheap sacrificial units which is fun.

I love the combined arms with Rockets and Bolt Throwers. They compliment each other very well.

A rather solid list that would be similar to mine if I played 2,000 points. Though you go a little heavier on the shooting then I do. Though it’s not overkill either, it’s just the right amount to make the defense army style work.

Time of Madness:

Thanks for the comments.

The taurus gives the list some much needed mobility especially when combined with the centaurs. Without these two units my list becomes a slow moving infantry list.

The taurus is essential in my opinion and can be used for so many things (flanker/mage hunter/war machine hunter/march blocker + breath weapon).

The mini hobs stay close to my generals unit and allow me to re-direct/flank/bait my opponents. They are almost like an empire detachment without the special rules. I’ve tried playing without hobs and haven’t been very sucessful, these units really help the warrior infantry out.

Time of Madness


I’ll try that tactic out, I’ve just been going without as I haven’t been motivated to convert some Hobgoblins yet. That sounds like a nice little tactic, and I’ve never really thought of using them as detachments essentially. Cool idea!


I feel like you could make the general fightier- he just has a hand weapon and the enchanted shield. I’d trim a few points and give him a sword of might or something. Other than that it looks good!


You run an almost identical list to me, except one of my large infantry blocks is a unit of Black Orcs instead of warriors, and a few other minor changes.

It works great.