This is my first army sketch, I based the purchase of my miniatures on it, wanting to have a good range to cover any battle of 2500 pts or less. I havent tried it yet, and wanted some opinions, hope any of you can give some advice.
Also, I wanted to ask since It isn’t clear in ravening hordes: Can my BSB take magical equipment (and of what sorts) if he does not take a magic banner? I’d be spending most of my remaining 60 points on him. Advice on those 60 points is welcome too
This is the army:
1 - Sorcerer Lord
Lammasu, level 4, chalice of darkness, dispel scroll, power stone - 520
1 - Bull Centaur Hero
BSB, heavy armor -129
1 - Chaos Dwarf Hero
Great weapon, armor of gazrahk, gauntlets of bazhrakk, shield - 120
1 - Chaos Dwarf Hero
Black hammer of Hashut, heavy armor, shield - 115
15 - Chaos Dwarf Warriors
Great weapon, full command - 195
15 - Chaos Dwarf Warriors
Great weapon, full command - 195
15 - Chaos Dwarf Warriors
Blunderbuss, full command - 210
15 - Chaos Dwarf Warriors
Blunderbuss, full command - 210
8 - Hobgoblins
Wolf, light armor, shield, bow, full command - 158
I love the list with the lammasu it was my favorite way to run it. there are a couple of problems with the list though. first off, there is a 10 minimum on the wolf riders and the sorcerer lord can’t have 2 arcane items. after that you might want to combine the gw unit, in 8th edition it really pays to have big units. the bsb should have better armour because it will be the main thing keeping the army from breaking. personally I would drop the blunderbuss for more warriors but that is upto you, I have been plagued by being charged by a lone combat lord and losing the whole unit without causing a wound with the RH blunderbuss. make sure your more defensive hero is the general. that way you can fly the sorc lord around and snipe characters with death magic :idea. also take the potion of speed on your sorc lord and drink that before casting purple sun, that was my favorite thing to do combined with 2 Lore of shadow wizards to lower I values :mad. personally I would drop one deathrocket and put the points to another earthshaker. if you can afford it get some more bull centaurs. also try to get a nice big tarpit of 2 pt hobgoblins.
Also, I wanted to ask since It isn't clear in ravening hordes: Can my BSB take magical equipment (and of what sorts) if he does not take a magic banner? I'd be spending most of my remaining 60 points on him. Advice on those 60 points is welcome too :)
the point allowance is in the beginning of the RH booklet. basically its 50 pts for hero and 100 for lord. same restrictions as normal, so no magical banner and other magic items, just one or the other. you can't go wrong with the armour of ghazrak or the armour of the furnace. at one tournament the judge told me the bsb can't carry the standard and have a shield so I would save the armour of gazrakh for him and put the armour of the furnace on someone else with a shield.
Thanks for your rapid advice! I see the problem comes in numbers… the thing is that the person I bought the minis from would sell me the chaos dwarf models at the same prize as regular foot hobgoblins, so I decided to pick the most point-expensive models. I plan on buying some 50 hobbos along with 20 black orcs and 20 big’uns as soon as I finish painting all of these.
Babis: Ravening Hordes is still official, Tamukrhan is too overpowered and made to sell expensive miniatures in my opinion. And yes, my friends allow this list, and also allow me to take 8 hobgoblins riding wolves because being forced to field 10 is just stupid in our opinion :D. Also, we are playing 7th edition, not 8th, because most of the player base bought their armies during the 6th - 7th transition and until we expand our miniature range, it will stay that way.
Babis: Ravening Hordes is still official, Tamukrhan is too overpowered and made to sell expensive miniatures in my opinion. And yes, my friends allow this list, and also allow me to take 8 hobgoblins riding wolves because being forced to field 10 is just stupid in our opinion :D. Also, we are playing 7th edition, not 8th, because most of the player base bought their armies during the 6th - 7th transition and until we expand our miniature range, it will stay that way.
ok all clear.
anyway I'm using the Tamurkhan rules with my vintage miniatures ;)
anyway I'm using the Tamurkhan rules with my vintage miniatures ;)
Yeah but the train war machines are just too awesome to be overlooked!:hat off When the time comes for me to drop the money on forge world, I will. But meanwhile I'll play with RH rules.
hmm, ravening hordes in 7th? I don’t remember 7th well enough. as soon as 8th came out our army got a TON better, even without LoA, in fact I did better in the Tournament scene with RH with 8th than I am doing with LoA now.
hmm, ravening hordes in 7th? I don't remember 7th well enough. as soon as 8th came out our army got a TON better, even without LoA, in fact I did better in the Tournament scene with RH with 8th than I am doing with LoA now.
Da Crusha
I have only ran loa once and indy list 3 times in tournies my form is about the same friendly games a bit better though