Kera foehunter:
who would eat a hobo. that like eating your pet!!
Kera foehunter:
who would eat a hobo. that like eating your pet!!
Hashut’s Blessing:
I’d eat a tramp I guess I’d try hobgoblin too… Alas, I have no pets (hold on, could this be why? FLUFFY! :o )…
They could have large, industrial fishing ships like the modern counterparts, sucking up the water and filtering out anything edible.
Well, 1 problem with the fertility thing is that I always imagined the area the chaos dwarves are in to have the sun blocked by all of the volcanic ash… This would make it almost impossible to grow plants that need any form of sun light, so wouldnt they need to raid or trade for food? (or use the idea to eat the hobbos
the sun is basicly a giant fireball, so there could also be a couple of sorcerers wich are casting fireballs
Zadok’s Journey:
Not certain about CD themselves, but reckon the Hobbos would drink fermented wolf milk (ala kumis/ayrag). And we can keep the slaves fed/content/manageable on bread and simple barley beer like teh baylonian/egyptians are alleged to.[/color][/size]
The CDs could grow crops anywhere that isn’t around Zharr Naggrund, as nowhere puts out nearly as much pollution. Their ‘fangs’ are in fact tusks, like a boars, and as such don’t indicate a race that depends on meat (living where they live that would be a rather foolish race). They could also fish out of Uzkulak and trade for animals etc with the ogres and marauders (both of which have to have some form of farming going, its not as if the models constitute their entire culture).
I could see them using a fleet of steam-powered fishing trawlers to dragnet the hell out of the Sea of Dread. They’d pillage ocean resources with the same ruthlessness they do minerals. Most of what they catch would be smoked and/or heavily salted for the trip back up the River Ruin.
Anything else they’d probably have to trade or raid for since the sky is perpetually choked with ash and I don’t think Greenskins are good for growing anything other than fungus.
On the plus side, Kera’s pirates could keep us well supplied with spices from all those Cathayan trading vessels…
Kera foehunter:
Yea a great spice trade!!! maybe we will catch you some mermaids too.
Father Grumpmas:
The fungus is a possible answer. Runequest trolls are supposed to brew all sorts of beers from mushrooms they grow as are WFB Night Goblins. Maybe CD’s brew odd psycho-active mushroom beers to enhance their magical abilities.
I have always thought of the sorcerers as fairly decadent so they may well favour exotic wines, which they would need to trade for.
Kera foehunter:
i say there has to be some types of bird we could eat like cute sea gulls there every where!!!
and some sort of vultures i heard they tast like chicken.
If hobos taste terrible, i guess we could try brewing them in some way… If it works - great, if not its a sacrifice in the name of hashut and descent threat to keep the others in check… Maybe they just drink whatever water is around, and wolf/goat milk, or blood. Eating goats cheese and manflesh could work too… I am beginning to feel that vegetarians may have no place in CD society, unless they are eating the gobbo’s mushrooms, but that has to have a bad outcome…
thats what i think anyway :cheers:
zorn sabretooth:
milk!!! their gods a giant cow
I would imagine they must eat a lot of meat. Surely there can’t be that many plants in the Dark Lands.
They may trade for some vegetables from foreign traders, but surely not enough to feed their entire population.
CDs are the ultimate omnivoures, whether it is resouces like metals gems and iron or food supplies. Basically I’m thinking they will consume anything if need be.
Kera foehunter:
i say pork kill all the greenskins pigs.
I’d say they drink something along the lines of poitín. Having said that, when I went to Mt.Etna years ago we bought a bizzare spirit called Mt.Etna’s fire, which was 80% or something stupid like that so that could be a bit more Chaos Dwarfish.
zorn sabretooth:
i say the would eat and drink stuff they stole
I think they’d drink Strongbow… which is my drink of choice.
Hobgoblin casualties might make good fertilizer too…
Bullcentaur milk! Alcohol is a part of dwarven blood, som you got walking boose machines!