[Archive] A Solid 1,000pt balanced Army

Auretious Taak:

Chaos Dwarf Hero (60), Handweapon, Great Weapon (4), Heavy Armour (4), Shield (2), Gauntlets of Bazrahk the Cruel (20) = 90.

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer (65), Level 2 caster (35), (50) to either: Chalice of Darkness OR 2 Dispel Scrolls OR 1 Dispel Scroll and 1 Power Stone OR 2 Power Stones = 150.

21 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (189), Hand Weapon, Shield, Heavy Armour, Full Command (30) including a Warbanner (25) = 241.

16 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (144), Hand Weapon, Blunderbuss (48), Heavy Armour, Musician (10) = 202.

12 Hobgoblins, Hand Weapon (24) = 24.

10 Hobgoblins, Hand Weapon (20) = 20.

10 Hobgoblins, Hand Weapon (20) = 20.

10 Hobgoblins, Hand Weapon (20) = 20.

4 Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers (120) = 120.

1 Earthshaker (110) = 110.

Total: 1,000pts.

5 warmachines, 2 Characters, 37 CD’s, 42 Hob Gobs.

This list works solidly. The Hob Gobs are small for a reason. They are cheap and fully expendable. You have Fanatics ahead, run those Hob Gobs in a single line to their deaths. Use units ranked up in 2 ranks of 5 on the flanks of each unit to set up cheap and effective flank charges and to guard the flanks of units or to additionally guard the warmachine base from flankers or skirmishes. 4 Bolt Throwers to tackle big guys, massed ranks of heavy infantry/cavalry and other warmachines, and Earthshaker to slow the enemy so more firepower hits them and you can counter manuvre to take the chosen enemy units in many flanks possibly the rear all at once. 1 Cheap Hero as General to provide Ld 10 base to everyone, coupled with the gauntlets and a great weapon you have strength 7 anti-chariot attacks or anti-heavy infantry or with the handweapon a solid strength 5. A solid ranked unit as the core of the army for the general with a warbanner to add extra combat resolution points and also to absorb any stray hits from the general’s gauntlets and incoming enemy firepower (assuming the Hob Goblin fodder screen has been totally killed) and a Sorcerer with solid Anti-magic capability. At 1,000pts, taking the enemies dice is usually better then packing a dispel scrool or two. This selection is flexible depending on your preference as to take 2 dispel scrools, or 2 power stones or 1 dispel scroll and 1 power stone giving you options to tailor towards an enemy, the only tailoring needed. A solid 1,000pt army.


Auretious Taak.

Alan the evil:

Well… just a couple of considerations:

Armour of gazrak it’s a great armour and I always put on of my hero.
I’d swap gauntlets (remember that 1 to hit it’s a probable casualty in your troops), heavy armour and shield (even beacuase i cannot use it in HtH combat with GW) for armour of Gazrak and gain the missing 4 pts fielding 4 unit of 10 hobbos.

I don’t like the idea of Chalice of darkness in so small army: if you roll a 5+ in your magic phase, you have only one power dice; if you roll 3+ in opponent magic phase you gonna have no dispel dice.
It’s better use dispel scroll/power stone in the way you like more (I prefear 2 dispel for more reliability: dispel make me sure to reach my aim of dispelling, power stone help me to cast spells but it doesn’t give me certainty to do it).

Troops are good so.


I worry that with only 1 decent combat unit you will struggle against anything fast and bitty which will tear through and or ignore the hobgoblins then flank and destroy your warriors.

Bull centaurs might be a better option than the earthshaker to add some mobility and hitting power.

I would also either take a lvl 1 scroll caddy or 2 lvl 2’s at this points level.

For the blunderbuss unit I would drop 1 to get to 15 and add a standard which gives you a semi-reasonable second line unit

Personally I prefer hobbos in units of 20 but that’s a real personal thing and has been debated to death elsewhere

Hope that helps

Border Reiver:

Ubertechie’s points are very valid. Personally, I find that with 5 warmachines in this point, but only one blunderbuss unit is odd. I think that this list will struggle against armies with lots of skirmishers, like WE or BoC.

I’d drop two bolt throwers and pick up another scroll caddy. with this list.


I’d lose the Hobgobs, or some of them and take some Orcs.

As many Orcs as you can + Musician. No other command. They’re fighting and still won’t cause panic amongst the ranks. They’ll also be much harder to kill then Hobgobs, I would consider giving the Orcs shields too.


Although personally not a fan of Orcs they do offer a decent enough combat unit for not a great outlay of points (or money). Just watch for the animosity as this combined with their movement of 4 will make it harder to maintain your battle line alongside your main CD warrior unit