[Archive] BULLCENTAUR� the last one ver. 2


A banana finger, Kera?

Kera foehunter:

yea!! little stubbie fat fingers !! not long skinny fingers made for modeling!!!

Kera foehunter:

here is the last of 3 ! and they rank up good

don’t ask me how


They get better each one that you do if that is possiable :o

really great work can we see a pic of them all together ?


Very cool Kera, I like them a lot! They look like the proper awesome killers they should.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

They look good
although the 3rd one I think looks a bit odd,a big smiling effigy of Mork dosen’t fit the image of a bullcentaur IMO but the rest are good


nice work kera…

yea!! little stubbie fat fingers !! not long skinny fingers made for modeling!!!

Kera foehunter
Me too. my fingers weren’t made for fancy stuff, just busting things… I do that well.

Kera foehunter:

thanks guys !! i will post better shots i know i say it but i will

and a full army picture too

two head talking ! that cool ,we stubbie finger people kick ass!!


Looking good Kera, your sculpting has really improved.

As for the effigy of Mork, maybe he took it as booty from a rebel Orc warboss? Just an idea

Kera foehunter:

thanks al -hashut! i was thinking of putting a monkey on his back

and hanging some more skulls on him too

i was trying to go with a mask bullcentaur and this look so good!!