[Archive] Canix's new army blog (more Slayers and Marauders WIP)


I had neglected my old blog and now cant even find it embaressment abounds.So now i can resize pics am reloading to get me painting again:hat

my first conversion was from this old dwarf mage

changed to this CD SORCERER









The shields for the warriors are painted but i have to glue them this weekend and start painting my marauders .i will finish the naked hobgoblins and some heros too:hat

Lord Archaon:

You have a very awesome army Canix. Hope to see more of your work.

:hat off

Pyro Stick:

Your army is looking good. Now gets some pics of the marauders up!

Kera foehunter:

great army canix, what a great paint job nice colors too


i love that conversion of the sorcerer!looks great


Poor tormented sorcerer! :slight_smile:

He could have become a great marauder sorcerer! :slight_smile: - joking apart … great work! :hat off

Cool army, I´m curious to see your marauders! :cheers



All very retro - and with a nice bright colour scheme, too!

Ghrask Dragh:

All very retro - and with a nice bright colour scheme, too!

Yeah that!
Great to these canix, excellent sorcerer :cheers


Cool sorcerer conversion, he doesnt look very evil thou… :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the ORC BIGUNS?


Looks good - i like the dark muted tones - very evil looking


Thanks for the comments :smiley: Not sure what to paint from the marauders might start with the mage

Cool sorcerer conversion, he doesnt look very evil thou… :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the ORC BIGUNS?

The orc big uns are pre slotta orcs from citadel Fantasy tribes theres another 30 being painted including converted standards all early 80’s Perry sculpts:hat


Because of the neglect my chaos dwarfs have suffered over the last year i aim to paint a whole lot of Marauders,3rd ed and others this year ,seems i have alot more time on my hands:D.

The aim really is to enable my CD’s to be played in store etc using dwarf rules ,this means more warrior types and extras.My blunders can be used as thunderers and here are WIP pictures of the heros and first quarrelers/crossbowmen.

I am not sure what to paint next,possible options are

Slayers  3rd ed naked cd,dwarfs,mutants etc

Immortals 2Hweapon armed marauders and 3rd ed in plate

Warriors(Iron breakers) marauders,3rd ed hw,shield

Blunders 3rd ed bazookas,swivel gun ,mortar

Gyrocopter conversion(Still needs stripping)

Whirlwind and tenderiser

also 4th ed


more Orc pre slotta



Their are a few minis missing that i am still attempting to get and a few on the way but i am ready to go so which do you think i should paint first.Target is 2-4weeks each Option :hat


Great, great stuff, Canix - and so nice to see you back on the track - guess we are on for the same mission in '09 - our own Mission Impossible :wink:

More time … no more sleepless nights and change of napkins? :smiley:

As long as it 3rd/Marauders I really don’t care - but would really like to see you do the unit of Immortals, as I want to see those Marauders painted up, now :wink: - but Slayers, Blunders, Tenderiser and Whirlwind would be cool too.

Hmmm, Gyrocopter conversion you say …, sounds promissing :wink:

Looking forward to see you progress.

Kera foehunter:

looks good!!! i like the gold how it luster and call out take me Kera

i like the blue cape too


Cheers,GH8 is over for us lesser mortals so here is my entry with my first three 3rd ed crew with converted Battleground catapults and crossbow toy that cost 75p .Trial running my colourscheme for the older models :hat

I had problems with the photos but am getting the hang of it these arnt so blurry


Very nice work. I have to admit I am jealous of all those classic figures!

The warmachine looks diabolical and crafty enough to actually shake the Earth too

Kera foehunter:

wow i loved that model canix it would look good on a ship!!


That thing is indeed huge. Needsvto look a bit more evil however.


Good stuff. I was going to say that the Bull Centaurs were my favourite until I saw that huge Earthshaker. Love it. It is exactly the kind of crazy thing that CD engineers would build.


Are you going to make a display board to match the basing? I think you could have a really cool look going if you did… and it’d do a lot for painting scores!