[Archive] Centaur sculpted completely

centauro enano:

Thank you very much everyone for the comments.

Already I have camera :cheers:cheers:cheers finally can put more photos progress.

Joshmohr, Do you refer to a chaos dwarf 40k?

Kera foehunter:

That’s great !! i can’t wait to see more


Me netither.

(Vamos, que traducido, yo tampoco puedo esperar para verlo acabado)


wow,thats nice…hope you´ll post more pics as soon as possible


Great Job!

My idea of a Centaur Bull conversion is this:

Body of a horse (imperial with armour or a normal horse)

Half Body of a Dwarf…

and Conversion…

But this method is a great job!

centauro enano:

More progress :cheers.


The detail on that is really exquisite. Sculpting those skulls would have driven me insane.


Well worth the waiting… :slight_smile:

…and I agree with Wallacer on those skulls!


this upper body is really cool, very fine detail.

Tjub is right, its worth the waiting :cheers

Kera foehunter:

that is so cool!! great job

centauro enano:

I’m still working on the figure.

Next steps

-end of the arm

-complete hull

-polishing skulls

Thank all :hat off centauro enano.


Only with Green Stuff? This boy is a crack!!!

Como lo haces para que te quede tan bien?

Practica? o hay algun truco?


centauro enano:

Only with Green Stuff? This boy is a crack!!!

Como lo haces para que te quede tan bien?
Practica? o hay algun truco?


Only green stuff

Es cuestion de maña, pero la practica tambien ayuda.


Have you sculpted the other half of the bull? Is that arm ready for a shield?


I appreciate that you are both Spanish, but please use English on the boards. PM each other in Spanish if you like. Much harder to moderate when few/none of the moderators know what you are saying, so it prevent problems later on.

Excellent sculpting though!

Time of Madness:

I hope you plan on casting the one half of the bull centaur. This would give you a full unit in no time! Nice greenstuffing!

Time of Madness


Great work, centauro enano :hat off

Really looking forward to see how this stands out when finished.

centauro enano:

Grimstonefire :cheers

-I still have not finished the other half of the bull.

-Arm carrying a shield.


-Sorry I did not know it violated Forum rules.

End of the arm (more muscle),morning work on the mask.


nice green stuffing, I wish I was that good.

centauro enano:

I think I will like this coat

But I can not think of anything to the ax, any idea?