I put quite a bit of thought into this guy in terms of making them visually different from the knights of any other god.
For starters, most “nurgle” knights are just painted green. For me nurgle is both about texture and about shapes, the colour is obviously important but it’s the texture and shapes that make the difference close up.
Secondly, I looked to the Korpus Festerheart model I sculpted and to the artwork in both HoC and Liber Chaotica, and the Adrian Smith artwork that’s on the web for defining features.
For texture I settled on:
Lots of small spikes
Textured large areas of armour with corrosion holes and chunks taken out.
Damaged sections of anything that I didn’t want to obscure with texture (e.g. the bone mask on the horse above & chainmail).
Worms here and there
Wasting away the horse flesh (the guts are hanging out, the neck and face are exposed and in places the flesh was whittled down). Yes, I did do some research on horse muscles for wasted areas, and no, no zombies here with spines showing etc. Save that for some chosen knights maybe (as in the good old days)
For specific common details:
Either an exposed belly, rib shaped armour, guts or other wormy goodness for the knights
The triangle with 2 circles bottom left, right and 1 at the top to appear at least once per model (I’m also painting it on the helmet of this guy)
A bevor on most models
A spike of some description on the back that could potentially have hanging heads or other details on them
No cloaks, but make the models more interesting on the back.
An ‘eye’ shaped detail somewhere that I can use as a common colour (red) across all models.
Any skulls having 3 eyes
Lastly, to make them more chaotic I will try not to use 2 of the same shoulder pads on models. One model I did ages ago already has this so I’ll do it on the rest.
Also forgot to say that any reins are replaced with proper chain, which will be painted rusty.
5 marauder horsemen with HW & shield - 4 painted 4 marauder horsemen with flails - 3 painted (I can’t seem to find my 5th one :() 6 bases of nurglings - 2 painted (3 waiting to be assembled/based) 10 chaos hounds - 9 painted 10 plague hounds - 3 painted (4 waiting to be assembled/based) 10 chosen - 3 painted (5 waiting to be assembled/based) 10 nurgle knights (10 waiting to be assembled/based) 4 plague toads - 2 painted 2 Forsaken - unpainted 12 or so Plaguebearers - 3 painted.
Characters (all unpainted/ unassembled): Wulfrik Khorne lord on jugger 2 x khorne lord on foot Nurgle sorcerer Sigvald
Korpus Festerheart - painted Ku’gath - painted
In addition, I now have the following to add:
Festus AoW chaos lord
3 Nurgle Ogres in chaos armour - well, technically 3 minotaurs I am in the process of converting
37 Nurgle Chaos Warriors with great weapons. - 1 painted. I have the 3 command from the AoW Corrupters and I’ve painted the Standard Bearer, my first model of 2013. The other 34 are the regular AoW apoc with great weapons that hopefully I’ll get in the post soon.
I’ll finish the first one before pics, but I tried something a bit different this time (for chaos conversions).
I did a quick sketch of an ogre in chaos armour. Then looked at the Tainted nurgle ogre in Tamurkhan and figured out how to fit it all onto the model (as the Tainted Ogre is not wearing chaos armour). Then I looked at each part of armour and tried to decide how it would react to the pressure/ mutations etc.
Then I started sculpting and seemingly ignored most of the above…
I know some of you have been wanting to see some decent pics of the AoW Apoc warriors. I have done some minor conversion work on all of these, working them over with a drill and hobby knife to make them a bit more nurgle. I’ll do another 15 like this, converting the command to be regular troopers (as there are no alternate parts for them) and use the remaining 4 in my Chosen with halberds.
There are 7 different bodies, plus the 3 command models. The legs are designed to go with a torso, but with only a little work you can swap between them. The weapons are more specific to the bodies I think, the hammer only fits certain bodies well. I’ll do some head swaps on the other half. The top row 2nd from right is a GW knight head.
The pictures are smaller here than they actually are, photobucket has resized them.
Love the way these guys turned out. My only concern is that they blend into the bases a little too much with the green on the armor and the slime pools. Although this might be less of an issue in person? Otherwise color, texture, all spot on!
Looking at this thread makes me realise I have more painted than I’ve shown
Anyhow, to get things started some Forsaken I’ve been working on over the weekend. Another 6 being painted.
I’ve gone for very light armour compared to the rest of my army so they stand out more, and because they’re supposed to be forsaken by the gods in general and not specifically Nurgle in this case.
I’m thinking I may add a chariot pulled by a Rotfly at some point. Like this, an idea from warhammer.org
Those turned out great, and go with that chariot, a cool conversion indeed!!! It will fit nicely with your army. LF to seeing more, don’t keep us waiting to long…
These guys are mega cool. I don’t think many people can resist good looking nurgle models. I’m sure reaper bones do a fly but I don’t know the scale of it.