[Archive] Conquest 2008 - The Darklands

Father Grumpmas:

I thought you all might find this interesting.

Both Wallacer and I played in this competition last weekend but what we didn’t realise was that the setting was the Darklands; if we had known that then one of us might have taken Chaos Dwarfs!

Below is the fluff for the various rounds of competition - I have pasted the whole lot because there are CD references throughout.

Conquest 2008- Warhammer



The Dark Lands �?" Directly to the east of the Old World, just over the Worlds Edge Mountains are the Dark Lands .Home to the mysterious Chaos Dwarfs, the Dark Lands are a desolate expanse of Ash Wastes ,Volcanic craters and pollution left behind by the Chaos Dwarfs environmentally unfriendly mining practices. However there is a lot wealth to be had here �?" both in mineral wealth and from the Chaos Dwarfs. It�?Ts the perfect place for an up and coming general to make a name for themselves.

GENERAL RULES: All 5 Games are based on the Pitched Battle from pages 2-3 of the rulebook with the following modifications.

Set Terrain: Each table�?Ts terrain is preset.

Objectives: Each game has an additional objective or bonus Victory Points.

Random Deployment Zones: At the start of the game after rolling for who places first but before the first unit is placed each player rolls d6+8 .The results is the size of their deployment zone in inches from the edge of the table.

TERRAIN: Hills are one level and allow an extra rank to shoot. They block line of sight.

Forests are difficult terrain and block line of sight even to models on hills. Other rules on page 9 apply. They give soft cover

Rivers and Water features are difficult terrain.

Fences, Hedges and Walls are obstacles and give hard cover

Other rules on pages 16- 17 apply.

Buildings follow the rules on pages 97-99.

Rough Terrain areas are difficult terrain and give soft cover.

Craters are rough terrain, give hard cover and count as a defendable

obstacle in close combat.

Statues, idols and boulders are impassable and block line of sight.

Arcane Ruins are difficult terrain and block line of sight.

Fallen Arcane Ruins are obstacles

Special Rules

CAPTIVES: The Chaos Dwarfs pay very well for captives �?" They constantly need new workers and materials for their soul forges and you and your army are in the perfect place to take advantage of this.

Keep track of the enemy units that you completely destroy from shooting, magic, in close combat, from combat resolution (if Undead), instability (if Daemons) and from running down fleeing units. There will be a bonus prize for whoever destroys the most at the end of the competition.


1.Smoke gets in your eyes

You�?Tve crossed the mountains and realized this may not be such a good idea �?" through the smoke you can just make out enemy armies

Scenario: Pitched Battle.

Special Rules: Smoke Blowing in from the Chaos Dwarf factories and billowing up from the ground is a thick pallor of choking, eye watering smoke .It has the following effects:

An additional -1 to shooting to all non gun powder weapons (Gunpowder users tend to be used to large amounts of smoke)

It has no effect on weapons that don�?Tt roll to hit.

VP Bonus: Occupying Ground You need to control this area. You gain 500 VPs if you have the largest unbroken unit in each of the 4 table quarters. A unit may only hold one table quarter.

2.A Hole in the Ground

You�?Tve found an old burial mound of some forgotten Chaos Dwarf lord, hopefully full of treasure- and definitely cursed- can you beat your opponent to the loot�?�.

Scenario: Get the Treasure

Special Rules: Loot the Barrow. The barrow contains treasure (and something nasty) If a unit makes contact with the tomb during your move you can send in one member of the unit. Open the envelope�?�

Cursed Barrow: You may not set up within 18 inches of the barrow and it counts as an occupied building.

VP Bonus: LOOT .If you hold the Barrow Treasure at the end of the game you gain 500 VPs.

3.Standard Engagement

Across the battlefield sits yet another army. If you can do something particularly impressive such as stealing all their prized banners then no one will dare stand in your way.

Scenario: Pitched Battle.

Special Rules: Mage Storm Thanks to Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers experimenting somewhere there�?Ts something wrong with the winds of magic .The fact that your wizard is floating, glowing and speaking more gibberish than usual is what tipped you off. All spells, bound spells, prayers, incantations and equivalents get an automatic additional power dice. However if this dice rolls a 1 you miscast in addition to any other effects this miscast applies even if  caster does not normally miscast. All spells from the Lores of Metal and Fire gain an additional +1on the casting roll.

All dispel attempts also get an additional dice .If this dice rolls a 1 the dispel attempt fails.

VP Bonus: Trophies If your Opponent has no Standards at the end of the game you gain 500vps.                                                                                                         


The Chaos Stunties have finally realised there is a bunch of armies running around in their territory �?" there is only one response- Target Practice.

Scenario: Pitched Battle.

Special Rules: FIRING RANGE The battle is taking place on a Chaos Dwarf firing range .During the start of turn phase a shell is launched at your army. It targets any Large Targets first and then the unit with the highest unit strength .If there are two or more units with the same unit strength the player whose turn it is chooses which one gets hit.

Center the small blast template on the Target and roll for scatter .The Template moves double the roll on the Artillery dice .If a misfire is rolled there is no shot this player turn or next. Once the location is determined roll to see what type of shell has been launched:

D6  Shell Type       Str    Effect

1     EarthShaker       4      Any unit damaged may not march this turn.

2     Fragmentation    3      Uses the Large Blast

3      Gas Bomb         4      Ignores armour saves

4      Incendiary          4      Flaming Attacks

5      Soul Bomb        4      Ignores Ward Saves , Units damaged must take a panic check.

6      High Impact      5      No other effects

VP Bonus: Tall Poppies If you destroy your opponent�?Ts most expensive unit you earn 500 vps.

5. It�?Ts a Gas

The Chaos Dwarfs are no longer fooling around �?" They�?Tve opened the vents of Zharr Nagarond and are flooding the area with an invisible deadly gas �?" You�?Tve got to get out of here before your army succumbs.

Scenario Cross the Table

Special Rules : GAS The Gas has the following effects :

Difficulty Breathing : Any unit Charging is at -1 WS

Its Getting Stronger : At the start of each of your turns choose a unit �?" It takes d6 Strength 1 hits distributed as shooting with no Saves of any sort. The Strength of the hit increases every by one every  two turns (i.e. Str 1 on Turns 1 & 2 , Str 2 on Turns 2 & 3 and Str 3 on Turns 5 & 6)

VP Bonus: Lets Get Out Of Here Whoever has the Highest Combined Unit Strength in the opposing player�?Ts table half gets 500 vps.

Epilog : Having crossed the Darklands the way to fabled Cathay lies open so next year:

The Steppes.

Flat Open Spaces ,Hobgoblins , and other fun�?�…

Below is the information the ref had for the barrows from scenerio 2 - lots of Chaos Dwarf references

In the Barrow

The Barrow is trapped to stop grave robbers

The figure chosen to enter must make an Initative test, a Strength test, a Leadership test and a Toughness test as they avoid and overcome the traps. They take one wound with no save of any sort for each failed test .If still alive after all four tests they take the barrows treasure.

Barrow Treasures may be stolen off the Unit carrying them in the same way as a standard is taken after Combat.

Barrow Treasures may be kept and used in other Conquest 08 games �?" all are one use only.

Barrow Treasures

All Treasures are for one use.

Torc of Cursed Dispelling.

Enchanted Item

Counts as a dispel scroll and the Caster of the Dispelled Spell takes a Strength 4 hit.

May be used by non wizards

Barrow Treasures

All Treasures are for one use.

Left Hand of Doom.

Magic Weapon .

Gives user Str. 7 for one round.

Usable for One Round Only.

Big Burning Hammer

Magic Weapon

Requires Two Hands.

User Makes a Single flaming attack at Str. 10 that does D6 Wounds.

Usable for 1 attack only.

Ancient Big Hat.


Ignore one hit. (Use before roll to wound)

Usable against one hit only.

Portable Cannon

Magic Bow

User may make 1 shot that counts as a Cannon Shot.

All normal cannon rules apply for the shot only.

User counts as the Crew.

One Use Only.


I like the scenarios fun,fun,fun especially the firing range one .They make a great mini campaign for battle through the darklands:hat


that sounds like alot of fun! and the firing range one sounds like a blast! get it? blast? hahaha…


The firing range one was the worst. Although it wasn’t so bad for me since I was playing VC and could just summon my guys back (heheheh).

Unsurprisingly, a Daemons army won the comp (another Daemons army came third). The main shock was that a Dwarf army came second.

Auretious Taak:

Maybe those dwarfs were tainted and just wearing a disguise? Why was it a shock they came second?

I like the soul bomb concept from the firing range game, and you chaps have no learnt to enquire as to the nature of the tournament background now. :slight_smile:

