[Archive] extream hair ( help)

Kera foehunter:

im working on some figures i need help with extream hair:o

i want to give my figures a wild wind blow look

plain green stuff not that Strong :mad

do i need to use brown stuff !! i want it to look like some of the new Daemonettes but thinner and wilder than slayer Mohawks

any help would be greatly Wanted

Hashut’s Blessing:

Take some hair from your hairbrush, cut it to suitable lengths and dip into glue :wink: Et, voila.

Kera foehunter:

Well that would be exsteam
but i can’t the cloner would get the figure and clone me!!

this what im talking about


You can pin some wires into the head then bend them to act as an armature to build hair on. Alternatively, you can do the same with GS or BS (or whatever putty you like), leave that to dry, then build on top of that. Build it in layers.


You can pin some wires into the head then bend them to act as an armature to build hair on. Alternatively, you can do the same with GS or BS (or whatever putty you like), leave that to dry, then build on top of that. Build it in layers.

Curses! Foiled by the quickness of GRNDL.;P
In other words, I was going to suggest the exact same thing.

Hashut’s Blessing:

As both snowbliss and GRNDL have suggested (which if I;d have realised was what you were going for, would;ve been me saying it frst ;)), get some short pins, plug 'em in/glue them on then sculpt around them. or very thin ends, glue ca be used or even let the pin show through.


There are some other options depends on what you want to do and which look you want overall. Most of these are good if your creating your own mini as a one off… using real hair, fine wire, ultra wild green stuff doesnt lend itself to mass reproduction practices very well.

* You could use fine wire which you could plant and bend as individual hair, very tedius though.

* As mentioned you could use wire as an overall armature and build up around it

* Use hair that does not contain your DNA. Synthetic hair, where you could plug and plant similiar to fine wire, or dig a small cavity and glue in the hair as a section. Leave the hair longer than what you want because when the glue has set you will be styling that little head, gels, hairspray, mousse, blow-dryer.

* While greenstuff in and of itself is not very strong, do not under estimate its resiliancy. You can sculpt some wind blown wild hair with the greenstuff. In the early moments of mixing you can apply to head or head armature and sculpt the basic shape of the hair. Do not try to do any really crazy hair just yet. Let the gs set-up for a while (depends on your atmosphere conditions - is it a hot room, cool with some moisture - all these effect the overall curing of the gs). To begin working the wildness of the hair you want the gs to be very non tacky. Using an Xacto knife or similar fine sharp instrument you can start to cut into the basic shape - twirling/teasing and pulling the hair as you want it.

This will take some patience as well as some practice. Additionally you may need to prop the figure or head/armature at odd angles as the gs will droop with the pull of gravity. If you use a head armature then you could also do small sections at a time, carefully adding them to the mini and blending together with more gs.

This is where the gs resiliancy is your friend. The “hair” will look wild and wispy, when you touch it, it wont break but will bend and return to its previous position as long as its not being treated overly rough.

I have a sample i can prolly get uploaded later as i dont have access right at the moment, that is if your intersted. But most importantly… dont ever be hesitant to experiment and just have fun with it, you never know what you may come up with.

Kera foehunter:

those are great ideas thanks!!!

i try them tommarrow


here are a couple samples of that wild green idea i mentioned.

below is some extra greenstuff that i just played with in an attempt to get  a more lifelike fire/flame representation

this is a Disc of Tzeentch that i was working on for a Chaos Army for a friend

hope you find these references helpful and have fun

Kera foehunter:

those are so f-in cool !!! thanks so much Apocalypstia


Cut the folicles off so the hair’s only good for drug tests not cloning.

apocalypstia that disk is awesome do you have a tutorial on how you did it as I want to copy it for my tzeench guy.


...a tutorial on how you did it as I want to copy it for my tzeench guy.

dont have a tutorial so to speak, the technique used was the wild green as described above, did the gs over the span of a week as it was worked in sections and alowed to hang/prop while gs cured under the guiding hand of gravity. The main key is not to really start fine detail until the gs has cured some.. just have to play it a bit to get a feel for it.


Use electrical Flex straigth, Get some eletrical flex from a old/broken appliance (we all seam to have one or 2 floating around the place) Measure the diameter of the wire/flex and drill a suitable sized hole to accomidate the flex. Supergluing the flexin place you can strip the nylon/plastic wire casing from the wire exposing the copper. This can then be manipulated and form several strands or even be used as a armature to build the hairstyle ? (I did it for some escher gangers years back when Necromunda was the fashion) quite time intensive sadly

Kera foehunter:

sweet !! yea we have a few cord laying around


electrical flex… time intensive maybe but an excellent use for what most of us would consider useless junk, thanks for the cool recycling idea Thorne.


I guess that the best way would be to read some tutorials on sculpting fire, since wind-blown or wild hair looks very similar to fire.

Kera foehunter:

sort of like your long flowing hair wallacer ??

i working on it now it kinda cool i post soon