[Archive] First 2k chaos dwarves

Dasterdly Dohicky:

Lord: 225 pts
Sorcerer Lord: 225 pts
-lvl 4-

Hero: 353 pts
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer: 125 pts
-lvl 2-
dispel scroll
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer: 125 pts
-lvl 2-
dispel scroll
Hobgoblin hero: 103 pts
–heavy armor/shield
–black hammer of hashut

Core: 955 pts
(20) Chaos Dwarf Warriors: 215 pts
–Full command group
(20) Chaos Dwarf Warriors: 215 pts
–Full command group
(20) Chaos Dwarf Warriors: 215 pts
–Full command group
(10) Hobgoblin wolf riders: 130 pts
*Led by the Hobgoblin hero
–Light armor/shields
(25) Hobgoblins: 60 pts
(25) Hobgoblins: 60 pts
(25) Hobgoblins: 60 pts

Special: 180 pts
(2) Hobgoblin bolt thrower: 60 pts
(2) Hobgoblin bolt thrower: 60 pts
(2) Hobgoblin bolt thrower: 60 pts

Rare: 220 pts
Earthshaker: 110 pts
Earthshaker: 110 pts

Total Points: 1933

This list is to be used in the rogue trader tourney. Many of the armys there will be magic heavy, and I like the fluff that CD are let by their sorcerers, and so i included lots of sorcerers.

I appreciate all criticism/comments.
I still have 47 pts, anything i should spend it on?


I’d swap out the Hobgoblin hero for a CD or BC BSB. Hobgoblin hero’s don’t seem to be worth it… as CD heros are so much better. Plus Black Hammer of Hashut is best with a CD that is mobile. Blus a BSB is nice for our army.

Going high magic his fine, it has its strength, and can good.

You’re missing the wonderful joys of Blunderbuss.

Two earth shakers will really honk people off, they’re great… yes, but they’ll honk people off.

A Warbanner might be good for one of the warrior units for more soft res.

Just some initial thoughts.

Dasterdly Dohicky:

Yes, i know two earthshakers will annoy people, but they can’t really say its unfluffy, so its fine by me.
Blunderbusses don’t really seem worth it to me, gun with 12" range and M3, not that appealing to me.
If i changed him to a BSB which magic banner do you think he should be equiped with?
Also Hobgoblin heroes are pretty much the same as CD heroes, just a loss of 1 ws, and 3 ld, plus they are faster; i was going to use him to ad a str 6 3 attacks punch to the wolf riders. If i was feeling really cheasy i could give him gauntlets of bazrak the cruel as well…a hobgob with str 7 and 3 attacks.
This would make the wolf riders a pretty good unit (still counting as fast calvary!!!) that have ld 8 when reforming and a punch with the hero.

I dont have any mobile dwarf lords/heroes anyway, so the black hammer is not going to waste on the hobgob.


I’d actually take no magic banner on the BSB and give him Armour of Gazrakh.

As for the heroes, LD 10 heroes are AWESOME. It’s a wonderful little thing. It’s one fun thing for our army. :slight_smile:

As for Blunderbuss, they give you the “defense in depth” approach. Once the enemy closes… you can really start dropping them pretty quickly. In a couple ranks they are S5! It’s gorgeous when you can drop 12-16 soldiers with one volley from one unit. Standing and shooting with them is very nasty as you can shoot up other units at the same time. Blunderbuss may have a short range, but they are devestating. I have yet to have a game where I didn’t get to use them a few times.

Even if you roll poorly, the sheer numbers of troops effected can still lead the enemy to taking quite a bit of damage.

Perhaps, and I agree the Earth shakers give us the most teeth… don’t get me wrong. Just pointing out what you might want to consider. Though the Earth shakers give even more time for blunderbuss to slaughter stuff, or for bolt throwers to drop stuff.

Overall though it’s pretty cool and should look pretty awesome once fielded! Your opponent might be slightly daunted by the sheer numbers.

I hope it works well for you though :slight_smile: