Cryptic title? Well if you know the Deamons of Chaos book it is.
It will be used as a Blood Thirster though the army will thematically be Slaaneshi.
This is the Greater Deamon that will lead my demon army. He has retired from active duty and lead his fellow retirees and some new blood on a quest of vengeance.
I’ve got exacting standards but this is a model I’m A) very pleased to have gotten hold of and B) fairly satisfied with the result, so enjoy.
I also have a girlfriend for him lurking in the shadows (Forgeworld Keeper of Secret) so maybe someday we’ll hear the patter of tiny Deamon claws. Who knows.
EDIT: I decided to expand this into a “blog” of my tournament army.
I have recently undercoated the core parts of the army. Deamonettes and Horrornettes. And an almost painted Herald, the pics reminded me there was details missing.
Picture update:
18 Deamonettes, Full command. (8 older metals AWOL, being undercoated)
12 Horrors, Icon & 10 Horrors, Icon
Tzeentch Herald, almost done, base bare still
The missing:
6 Furies
Pretty much done as I’ve borrowed them from previous armies.
5 Seekers of Slaanesh with Icon
Only Icon needs painting
5 Painbringers (Khorne Fleshhounds)
Idea for models, only got 1-2 thus far
6 Flamers
Ideas for conversion but that’s all.
3 Screamers
Got the models already
3 Fiends of Slaanesh
Plenty of possible models. Might even use the real ones. Here’s what I’m thinkin now.
The model is a Heresy Miniatures Netherlord (mk1) and isn’t really converted at all. Only using the optional axe as an additional weapon.
And it is not a Khorne deamon. It just follow the rules for one in lieu of something better. Can’t give the KoS wings, and the model didn’t feel like a LoC.
Thank you for the kind replies. As I said one of the models I’m quite satisfied with (though there’s a thing or two I’d like to improve…).
It has been blowing peoples minds away when it has visited tournaments, and one of the reasons for getting a Deamon army was so I could continue to use this model.
Interesting fact: despite it’s size it has almost always been used as an Exalted Deamon (hero level) which is not a Large Target and can thus stand being a screen of models which barely reaches his knees. Much to the chagrin of my opponents.
Despite this however, I don’t think it has survived more than 1 or 2 games in total. Often I’ve lost it on turn 1 to some filthy gimmick. Despite this the army around it has been managing fairly ok, I don’t think my opponents have been able to grasp that I’ve already written of these 300+ points before the game starts.
Shameless bump! I added pictures of Furies, Seekers, potential Fiends.
The Khorne Hounds will be old 3&5 th edition Fiends, but I need more models still.
Got some nice Succubi kind of miniatures for Screamers, but I don’t got them around right now.
Flamers are the big problem ATM. I was thinking about Drycha and a flamer arm, to fit with the Horrors… but I need 6 of those and as many arms from the Possessed kit. Tricky as I don’t want them to be identical.
well, been meaning to reply to this on the realm, but never got round to it, so I’ll do it here.
the thirster-thingy looks awesome, it’s such a nice model and well painted too. On the flamers, why not get a few dryads and sculpt fire all over them, it’ll give an very interesting look, be fairly cheap and won’t be at all samey:)
well, been meaning to reply to this on the realm, but never got round to it, so I'll do it here.
the thirster-thingy looks awesome, it's such a nice model and well painted too. On the flamers, why not get a few dryads and sculpt fire all over them, it'll give an very interesting look, be fairly cheap and won't be at all samey:)
That was one idea I was toying with. However... have you looked in detail on the horror-nettes? They are all -sort of- carrying flames, and have tiny fires over them. I was worried that it just wouldn't be different enough. Basically I feel I'd need to bulk the dryads quite a lot.
It might help if I give some flamer-mouth arm sculpting a try. But Xander I ain't so... call it plan B.
Anyone got more ideas?
Where is that greater daemon mini from? It’s very nice. I’m looking for something like that to convert into a nurgle daemon prince. Belakor was my only other idea.
Are you going for a mix of everything because of fluff, or because you are making a balanced list?
Am I right in thinking because of your bloodthirster and furies that you’ll be doing a ‘counts as’ theme in terms of how they are modelled (slaanesh themed fleshhounds etc)?
Finally managed to get the Horror-nettes kinda finished. Bases aren’t done, but I wanted to show these of anyway. Hoping there’s no spots I’ve missed but I suspect there are. Soemthing were VERY hard to reach.
I might not be 100% what kind of base I’ll make though I have lots of old stuff to match.
“Group 1” front/back
“Group 2” front/back
“Group 3” front/back
“Group 4” front/back
A special close up of a favourite of mine. The only one not carriyng a flame, the pose was just… right somehow.
The Big Deamon is a Heresy Miniatures Netherlord Mk1 (now OOP). And it is HUGE! About the size of the FW Bloodthirster.
I’m mixing because I’m trying to make a heinously badass list! :shy: For once. Though even I have my limits. The original idea was to use models I already had from my 40k CSM army. That scrapped partly with the idea of Dryad-horrors. My Horrornettes. And my frustration with the armies I already play and GW’s insistence on making OTT armies as well as loosing the use of the models from my regular armies, BoC and CSM in this case.
Yes you are absolutely correct. Everything will be painted and modelled to look Slaaneshy. I’m desperately trying to hunt down old Fiends of Slaanesh to use as Khorne Hounds.