[Archive] Happy Birthday Admiral

Fuggit Khan:

I’m a bit late to the party (my Vasa ship sank on the way here)…but I managed to bake you a proper cake :cheers


Hahaha! The Vasa was inherently unstable and sank pretty much in harbour. Great ship in other ways, though. And that longship looks very tasty. Yum!

Thanks a lot! :cheers


Happy birthday kiddo, only one more year before you join the fourth decade club. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Cheers, Dînadan! 4th century longbeard is my lowest aim. :slight_smile:

Uther the unhinged:

Happy birthday! Enjoy it mightily. Trust me you have many years before the sorcerors curse affects you!


Happy Birthday Admiral, hope everyone spoils you my friend. :wink:

Buy lots of Mini’s. :wink:


Haha, thank you lads! :cheers

Fuggit Khan:

I actually had a dream about you Admiral, along with Bloodbeard, two nights ago. Both of you had flown to my childhood town to visit me, and I met you both at the airport to pick you guys up. Bloodbeard insisted we had to depart from the airport parking lot “Viking style”, so he hotwired a car and stole it. You Admiral, drove the car, all the while you wore a motorcycle helmet (face unseen) and while driving the Viking looted car, you also managed to sculpt 13 all new gaming miniatures with green stuff. Left hand steering, right hand sculpting. Bloodbeard wanted to Viking raid a toy store to get toys for his kids.

What does my odd dream have to do with your birthday?

I don’t know. But have a happy birthday �YZ,

I wish you all the best in your life and endeavors :hat off


And I thought I had weird dreams.

Just as long as they were NOT in their birthday suits.

Happy seniority day Admiral.


I actually had a dream about you Admiral, along with Bloodbeard, two nights ago. Both of you had flown to my childhood town to visit me, and I met you both at the airport to pick you guys up. Bloodbeard insisted we had to depart from the airport parking lot "Viking style", so he hotwired a car and stole it. You Admiral, drove the car, all the while you wore a motorcycle helmet (face unseen) and while driving the Viking looted car, you also managed to sculpt 13 all new gaming miniatures with green stuff. Left hand steering, right hand sculpting. Bloodbeard wanted to Viking raid a toy store to get toys for his kids.
What does my odd dream have to do with your birthday?
I don't know. But have a happy birthday �YZ,
I wish you all the best in your life and endeavors :hat off

Fuggit Khan
Hahaha! Amazing dream. Wild and hilarious. I hope the helmet sported a broom. Thanks so much for sharing! :D

Cheers, folks!



Surely as it was a Viking adventure it should have sported historically inaccurate horns?



Better late than never they say… Happy Birthday Admiral!


Cheers Matte! :cheers


Thank you kindly mates! Horns there gotta be.


May Hashut bless our resident Lord High Admiral; another year under your belt today good sir.

Uther the unhinged:

Happy Birthday great Admiral of Hashut. Another year successfully navigating the great ship of CDO. Have a great day and thank you for everything.


Thank you most kindly, folks! :hat off


Happy birthday dude! :hat off

May you continue to enjoy fighting with the enemy, pursuing and destroying them and feasting on the cries of the women! :cheers

Keep on having a nice and pleasant birthday evening! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Hashut be with you! :cheers :hat off


With apologies to GWAR, happy anniversary of your entry to this toilet we call Earth