[Archive] Happy birthday TheHoodedMan!


How old is everyone here? To say “I can’t remember being 42” would require some old people. Am I the “young” guy?


Might be worth a different thread for that question, I’ve gotten the impression we have a very wide range here.

To stay on track, hope your Birthday at work felt quick and was relatively painless :cheers


Thank you guys for your good wishes !

And I am 44 now, but keep it secret please ;):cheers.


Happy 45th birthday! Drink well and be merry!


Another one. When will it all end.

Happy Birthday

Will Liam:

Happy birthday man - hope you enjoyed your day :slight_smile:


happy bday :slight_smile:

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Uther the unhinged:

Have a good one

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Thank you very much, guys, much appreciated :cheers:cheers:hat off


Happy birthday, Hood! Will this be a year of Tjublings and 3rd edition Chaos Dwarfs for you, I wonder? :wink:


Happy Birthday, Hooded Man!


Cheers and congrats! One year closer to becoming 10,000 years old…

Uther the unhinged:

Belated Best Wishes. Hope it was a good day.:hat off


Happy birthday dude! :hat off

Hope you hab a great day! :cheers



Thank you guys! There will be definitely a tjubling force and maybe some other chaos dwarfs :-).

Fuggit Khan:

I’m late to the party, but Happy Birthday and best regards to you my friend :hat off