[Archive] Happy Christmas!

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

I just wanted to wish everyone at CDO a merry christmas and a jolly new year

It’s been a cracking year although some ups and downs we’ve still fought through it

So does anyone have a new year resalution? mine is to finish a project on time and try and post on here

Merry Christmas to everyone


Happy Winter Solstice to you as well! :slight_smile:

Kera foehunter:

Ahhhhh thanks gobbob !! * kera gives godbob a great big hug*

well this new new im going to paint my figures !!!


Maybe actually get back to painting my army instead of working on Word of Hashut continuously… ?


Merry Christmas everyone… My New Year resolution is to cherish my family more and treat others a bit more kindly… Wish me luck.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Merry birthdays to all!

Mine: make it a better year than this one.



zorn sabretooth:

Happy kwanzaa!!!

my resoulutions are

Come on here more

Stop trying to convince people that i’m asian

abolish the myth that i’m a Nazi

Be nicer to everybody i meet

Be less critical of Axl Rose

Stop playing AC/DC on continous loops

Kera foehunter:

well don’t stop lessioning to ac/ dc

zorbak twilly:

Thank you godbob.*shakes godbobs hand*.My new years revolution is to, actually finish my models to paint.I haven`t painted a dark elf yet.Currently im working on a diorama of a dark elf highborn.