[Archive] How to equip Bull Centaurs

Ishkur Cinderhat:

The forum search didn’t provide any result, so I’d like to check with you how to best equip a unit of bull centaurs -

- two hand weapons or keep the great weapon w/ hand wpn and shield combo?

- command unit? Worthwile for 5 BCs?

- include the army battle standard with them? I saw quite a few lists by now where the BSB is a bull centaur hero.

Personally I tend towards giving my BC another hand weapon and a musician only, though any advice given out of experience made during play are very welcome! :cheers


I generally don’t put my battle standard with any type of cavalry as a) Its all to easy for him and his unit to get isolated and thats a fair few victory points gone in one go and b) he’s much more usful getting low leadership infantry such as hobgoblins and slaves to hold, especially in combination with your general. The two hand weapons aren’t that great - if your enemy is weak enough that you can forgo the protection of shields/hitting power of great weapons then they’re most likely going to have numbers and ranks against your five centaurs, which are better used in combination with infantry to get in a flank charge or to counter enemy heavy cavalry. I normally advocate command groups but if your only taking five models I’d advise spending the points on more centaurs.

It is however, worth adding a bull centaur hero to the unit, either packing a great weapon or magical nasty to rack up kills and help break those enemy units nice and quickly

Hope this helps, AGPO

Hashut’s Blessing:

It depends on the opponent. If they allow you to use BC as infantry for the rules of whether or not they can use AHW and how they use GW or HW&S. Because, going by the rules, they are cavalry and use weapons as such.


let us pass up such discussions for now…

and let us address the question of how we used to equipt them in 6th ed… :hat off

first off HW/Shield combo is for units you expect to dig in combat…

BCs would really hope to win in the first round… still it can be useful if you somehow get charged…

the true choice is whether you should take additional HW or great weapons…

and it comes down to what you expect to be fighting…

BCs can be real lawnmowers with 3 S4 attacks a piece… against elves or undead i usually took Add HW…

against brets, or chaos or dwarfs that strength boost comes in pretty handy…

I always take a standard on this unit… sometimes a champion… never a musician…

the warbanner is also pretty handy here as well… i wouldn’t use it on any other unit in the army…

I too think that BSB should stay close to your line… so if i use one hes a CD…

that and the BC hero with that many toys is just too expensive…

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Well the question is important for me because I want to decide this before I start sculpting these boys. The old GW bull centaurs all have great weapon as far as I can see in the online shop, so the additional hand weapon would require a greater deal of sculpting / converting. I like WYSIWYG, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because it helps me keep track of what I gave my boys without having to look it up in the army list. :smiley:

S4 seems pretty decent to me already, so I will probably go with the additional hand weapon.

Father Grumpmas:

It’s really 3 str 4 attacks vs 2 str 5 attacks that strike last.

As the Bull Centaurs now count as cavalry, it is generally accepted that they get the +1 armour save for being “mounted”. So a shield & HA will give you +3 save vs missles all the time and in HTH if you only use a hand weapon.


For modeling, I’d model on both. Arm dem to da teef. I will probably mix it up, having some with 2 HWs, some with GW in two hands, some with GWs in in one hand, a shield in the other… As long as you strap another axe to his back or something, you can use WYSIWYG for either case.


The real answer is that unless you can afford a decent sized unit of them then leave them out. Unlike most heavy cavalry they only have a 4+ save, and a unit of 5 only needs to lose 3 models to stop canceling rank bonuses. Either invest in a decent sized unit (8 minimum, but preferably 10+) or they will only be good for nipping down the flanks, for which wolf riders are far better suited and cheaper in points - so you can take two units or simply buy more chaos dwarfs

Lord Zarkov:

It's really 3 str 4 attacks vs 2 str 5 attacks that strike last.

As the Bull Centaurs now count as cavalry, it is generally accepted that they get the +1 armour save for being "mounted". So a shield & HA will give you +3 save vs missles all the time and in HTH if you only use a hand weapon.

Father Grumpmas
Um how?
on the attacks if they're counting as cavalry they can't use the extra HW; if they don't then they get S6 from the GW
On the Sv, regardless of wheater they are cavalry or not they don't get the +1sv as they don't consist of a separate rider and steed so specifically do NOT get the bonus.


that is correct… BCs are exempt from the +1AS for being mounted…

just like other forms of cavalry consisting of a single creature… page 30…


See http://gt.us.games-workshop.com/Rules/assets/warhammer/chaosdwarf_gt_faq.pdf

interestingly for '07 GW US GTs bull centaurs are infantry


Yeah but thats in no way official… And by following the letter of the law you end up going round in circles. They’re cav because of x,y,z but infantry because of a,b,c.

I’ve found in ambigous situations its always best to take the lesser of your options so mine run as 21 point 2 S5 attacks which isn’t to bad if you ask me! If you want a hardcore cav unit your looking in the wrong place anyway. BC’s excell at catching enemies your RnF can beat in combat but not run down, cross firing, moving towards enemy shooting menacingly (so your REAL combat troops get to combat unscathed) and taking out annoying units you otherwise would not be able to catch (or beat with Wolf Boyz)…

Cheers, Mont


there is no rules basis to consider them infantry at all…

apart from the rules adjustment for this one tournament…

the “infantry” argument is entirely based on fluff… or beard…


There are only 2 centaur units in the game, bull centaurs and centigors. The bc don’t have clear rules, the centigors do.
Where I usually play everyone agree to use the same rules for centigors and bc, so +2str with GW, +1 as if they use the shield and +1 at if they use the additional HW.

If bc are considered cavalry how do you explain that they can get the additional HW? Not even a single cavalry unit in the game has that option and the rules clearly state that only infantry can get them…

:hat off


in the same way as a armed to the teef Black orc boss on a boar has useless additional hand weapons…
or not the same really because the Blorc has them regardless… the BC must choose to use useless equiptment…

i agree you should follow the centigor rule model…
but you are not following the centigor rule model in your exmple up above…
a centigor treats only hand weapons as tho a model on foot… so additonal HWs and HW/shield are allowed…
other weapons… Centigor spears or the BC GWs… should be treated as cavalry models…
as you point out the centigor rules are clear…


Actually I didn’t think about the spear part :0 , but a spear is quite different form a GW by rules, they probably added that to avoid centigors fighting in 2 ranks like infantry.

So I must consider myself lucky with s6 bc!Btw even opponents I play with prefer a unit of those to a couple of earthshakers :stuck_out_tongue:

:hat off


both these weapons are reliant on weight to be effective… and (now) have both infantry and cav rules…
it is natural that they be considered in a similar manner…
and the rule was probably implemented so that centigors would have +1S on the charge… :sick
otherwise the trample rule (another rule BCs have escaped) would be pretty pointless…


So in the end we can agree that we need a revised army list or a couple of official faqs.

No news here :~

:hat off


To bring this back to the original question:

Arm them with great wepons and shields. Anything other than great weapons means they are way overpriced for what you are using them for. Shields so that they can take a few more low strength hits before entering combat, or for occasions on when the extra strength really isn’t worth it but the extra save is.

Overall BCs are fragile but can hit hard.


well shields are free…

and against T3 models im in favor the 3 attacks…