[Archive] I think I just found Kera's new Boyfriend!

Kera foehunter:

BACK OFF SOJOURN !!! you took captain morgrim !! this guy mine

thanks to my buddy willmark he all mine !! i even had to fight off my friends


lmao Kera… party time! woohoo! are those your friends from back at your grandparents place?

Captain Morgan is mine… (don’t tell him I’m in it for the rum though :P) Blackbeard is yours. :slight_smile:

Kera foehunter:

yes they are !!!they came in town yesterday!!


Captain Morgan is mine... (don't tell him I'm in it for the rum though :P) Blackbeard is yours. :)

There is no need to fight over me.. There's plenty enough me and rum to go around..

(by the way, that's slave tithes you owe me (kera/sojourn) for using my name .....:hat off

Kera foehunter:

What !!!i owe you what!!!  2 heads ,for what name ??


What !!!!i owe you what!!!  2 heads ,for what name ??

Kera foehunter
My name is Morgan.. I figure every time it gets mentioned, I should be tithed a few slaves.. and as a captain morgan, why not get a few more slaves.


That picture looks familiar there Kera. I can’t quite place the pirate, I know I’ve seen him before. :wink:

Kera foehunter:

well !! so called captin morgan LOL post A picture of you in a pirate outfitt then


thanks willmark !! you alway start good threds


HA HA HA trust pirates to hijack the forum .heres one for the boys :wink:


“Its as if the sound of a million nerds screamed out in pain all at once”…

zorn sabretooth:

potential boyfriend Blitz!!!

Pirates suck!! rock stars and near immortal scotsmen are much cooler

Kera foehunter:

well zorn if you can give me this hard rock hero !!!

i would swear off pirates for ever!!! and he ever has tattoos


He looks like he needs to go to the washroom really bad. Or already has? You decide…


Ummm I’m thinking Bonn Scott has no need for the bathroom anymore…

Kera foehunter:

well in my heart and in his music he still lives!!!

* kera raises hand in the famous sicn of the beast*

Bon Scott rules!!!


Who’s Bon Scott?

Before the “ZOMGs” start rolling in, while I am 23… my parents are 70… and my older siblings were on the east coast or in Europe most of my life (IE: early 90’s forward). So, yeah… I know more about Big Band/Swing then I do about anything post 1960. Though I do love Iced Earth (Glorious Burden is awesome).


@swissdictator thats still no reason not to know… :slight_smile:


@swissdictator thats still no reason not to know...  :)

What is?

Just so I know what to blame...


@snowblizz His parent’s being 70 and his siblings not being around is not a reason for not knowing who Bon Scott is…

And I was kidding… :wink:

BTW, Bon Scott was the 1st frontman of AC/DC, famous Aussie rock band

zorn sabretooth:

oh £$%^ i forgot BON!!!

next boyfriends