[Archive] Introductions: New members post here!


Thorgar, get some pics up! you may get a medal for your efforts. and no worries, i don’t play either :wink:

evildwarf, nice to have you here! you and Borka should get together and play a game (look at me, setting up play dates! lol)

welcome guys! :slight_smile:


evildwarf, nice to have you here! you and Borka should get together and play a game (look at me, setting up play dates! lol)

welcome guys! :)

Maybe... fun idea.:cheers

Gaz Taylor:

Hi Everybody. My name is Gaz and I’ve had a secret love for for the Evil Stunties for many years now. When I was a youngling I got into the hobby during the 4th edition and just when the Chaos box came out and started a Chaos Dwarf army but like many younglings I got distracted (and I still do) and went for the next shiney thing. I’ve decided to have a go at build a CD army in between many other projects and this site looks like a great resource and community!

Pyro Stick:

Hi Everybody. My name is Gaz and I've had a secret love for for the Evil Stunties for many years now. When I was a youngling I got into the hobby during the 4th edition and just when the Chaos box came out and started a Chaos Dwarf army but like many younglings I got distracted (and I still do) and went for the next shiney thing. I've decided to have a go at build a CD army in between many other projects and this site looks like a great resource and community!

Gaz Taylor
Welcome to the site Gaz. What style of army are you going to go for? Big Hats? 3rd Edition? Masks? etc etc. Do you have any pics of you collection so far?

Gaz Taylor:

Welcome to the site Gaz.

Pyro Stick
What style of army are you going to go for? Big Hats? 3rd Edition? Masks? etc etc.
At the moment I'm leaning towards 3rd Ed/Masks but I need to come up with some concepts. It's very easy to come up with something cool the first time but being able to repeat it 40 odd times is something else! :P
Do you have any pics of you collection so far?
So far nothing. All my old models have gone missing (I assumed my Parents have chucked them when I moved out years ago) so I'll be starting from scratch.


Welcome aboard. Good to see another 3rd ed enthusiast. :cheers


Welcome Gaz - glad to hear you are a 3rd edition fan - the more the merrier


So far nothing. All my old models have gone missing (I assumed my Parents have chucked them when I moved out years ago) so I'll be starting from scratch.

Gaz Taylor
yikes! nothing worse than parents going on a cleaning frenzy! well, good luck rebuilding/replacing and getting your army under way! welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it here :)

Pyro Stick:

Do you have any pics of you collection so far?
So far nothing. All my old models have gone missing (I assumed my Parents have chucked them when I moved out years ago) so I'll be starting from scratch.

Gaz Taylor
Wow thats not cool. It just makes you think. How many chaos dwarfs have been chucked out? How many Juggernauts have been disposed of? *cry cry*

Gaz Taylor:

Welcome aboard.  Good to see another 3rd ed enthusiast. :cheers

Welcome Gaz - glad to hear you are a 3rd edition fan - the more the merrier

Cheers guys. I must admit I do like the 4th ed style ones people have been coming up with (aka Curly Beards) but I don't think that I would be able to replicate that enough times without going insane! :D

But I do like the 3rd style as there's something 'raw' about them which seems to be what Chaos Dwarfs are about.
How many chaos dwarfs have been chucked out?

Pyro Stick
Lots I imagine. I think because most of us are horders of models there's got to be thousands of pounds worth of stuff being chucked out each year by wives and parents due to lack of space. It's something my wife does to me even if I know I 'might' use it in a couple of years time! B):)


Wow thats not cool. It just makes you think. How many chaos dwarfs have been chucked out? How many Juggernauts have been disposed of? *cry cry*

Pyro Stick
Pyro! snap out of it! stop! don't think of it anymore..... *consoles*


Hi All!

I’m Matt Valer. This is my first post on this forum. I register to get more infos about Chaos Dwarf who I would really like to collect in the future. I’m not really a hard core tournament player but had little and greater success at local tournaments.

I play High Elves and Wood Elves (Mechanicum and Raven Guard in 40k). I just love to convert my armies and make something new, to change them into the shape I think looks the coolest on the table-top.

That is the main reason for why I would like to start collecting Chaos Dwarfs.

Thanks for listening


Kera foehunter:

Well Matt glade you decide to Join and start a chaos dwarf army!!

so are you looking to buy old cd for your army ??

or just converting dwarf models to cd ??


Well, i would rether do some converting. At the age of 17 I don1t really have to sources to go to eBay and try to get one of the Chaos dwarf armies. I mean I’ve heard they worth a lot of money due to the fact that no one produces these models any more. SO I heard they are much more expensive. Plz correct me if I’m wrong.

I’m going to try them out this week at my club. (of course with my elves)

after that I think I will stick to the good-old dwarf army with chaos bitz strategy.

Pyro Stick:

At the age of 17 I don1t really have to sources to go to eBay and try to get one of the Chaos dwarf armies.

I was buying chaos dwarfs off of ebay when i was only 14/15. But back then i got a NIB Lammasu and Taurus for £10 each cause the prices were so low so i dont blame you for not wanting to turn to ebay for your army. Welcome to the forum and im looking forward to seeing some of your conversions.


hey Matt, welcome!

being younger/in school makes it tough to pay for WH, which is very expensive. But since you like converting as it is, that’ll probably be your best bet. check out Xander’s conversion videos for a good place to start. then tweak them how you like them. :slight_smile:

so welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. :slight_smile:



I just had a nice conversation at our club’s forum. The guys loved the idea that I’m starting cd.

Obviously they want to try it out. (and expect to beat me badly:D so they are just going for a cheap victory:D)

Also told me that the army list is too old (I was shocked to hear that:D:D:D) and that cd has only 10 magic items.

Well, I told them that WE has 5 magic banners but they suck and I have never used any of them. Cd has only one magic banner but looks pretty cooool:D

Than I mentioned the 25 points War banner.

Now they don’t really want to face me with cd:D (they say the list is overpowered:D lol )


:cheersHi there

Found the site and I love it!

Good to hear there is a few kiwis here as I am an expat living in Perth Western Australia.

The good news is within our club (the Napoleonic Wargaming society) there is at least three Chaos dwarf armies - two of us use the big hats whilst the other has an awesome CD army using confrontation models.  I will try and convince them to join as well.

Anyway great site and lets hope GW will see the light and reissue the big hats so I can again crush all in my path with the mighty Eruption spell.

Rock on


Ghrask Dragh:

Welcome Zanthrax, glad you found the site!!

The good news is within our club (the Napoleonic Wargaming society) there is at least three Chaos dwarf armies - two of us use the big hats whilst the other has an awesome CD army using confrontation models. I will try and convince them to join as well.

Bring them along mate, the more the merrier :cheers just one condition… we want pics!! 3 more Chaos Dwarfs armies, big hats are always welcome and it’s surprising how few confontation armies we have here :smiley:

:hat off


Welcome, welcome… Enjoy the Chaos…