[Archive] Lone BC Taur'ruk?

Groznit Goregut:

Hi All,

Has anyone tried using one of these guys running around on his own? I’ve had some success with OnG to have some heroes running around on their own, but wonder if it would work with such a…spartan list.

Bull Centaur Taur’ruk with Black Hammer of Hashut, Enchanted Shield, and Luckstone. That would give him 4 Attacks S7 at Init 4. His armor save would be 2+ with one re-rollable. This guy would be a beast! OK…don’t run him into a fully ranked unit, but he could charge and take on Mournfang and/or Demi-Griff knights. A lot of things, actually.

With few units, though, he might attract some enemy attention with magic and shooting. T5 and AS 2+ is good, but not invulnerable.


He’d be tough until a cannon put a hole in him


I have had some success running him. Although I find it best to bunker him with his unit of bull centaurs then have him charge out on his own when needed.

With your setup though I think he can’t use the black hammer as it is labelled as chaos dwarf only, and rules as written he isnt. I may be wrong though.

I like to run him with Blackshard armour, shield and dawnstone for 2+ rerollable making him extremely durable. Then give him a cheap magic weapon to suit, I like sword of striking which is Excelent for 15 points; anything ws4 or lower you hit on 2+ effectively. I like to use him against small powerful units with minimun static res or etherials.

Giving him dragon helm and a great weapon is not a bad option as he can usually take a round of hits.

One of his biggest assets are that your opponent will be scared of him. He’s one of the toughest hero’s in the game and equipped well can take out combat lords occasionally. I recently used mine(with the striking sword) to kill a ghoul king tooled up with 7 attacks gaining additional attack for each wound caused. Killed him in first round of challenge.


He'd be tough until a cannon put a hole in him

Ha well, if they are shooting at him they are not shooting at your warmachines. And with the Charmed shield or a ward save he could even survive a direct hit.

But were do you take the point from..?

Da Crusha:

With your setup though I think he can't use the black hammer as it is labelled as chaos dwarf only, and rules as written he isnt. I may be wrong though.

I was thinking the same thing.


Crown of Command, Charmed Shield, Warrior Bane and improved armorsave. Say hello to a fire and forget missile

Groznit Goregut:

Charmed Shield would save him from Cannons. Giving him the Dragon Helm would also make him NASTY to throw at a unit with flaming attacks.

I like the Crown of Command on him. That would be quite the guy to hold a unit up.


Warrior Bane, Charmed shield, dragonbane gem & crown of command! Blackshard armour too. Combines all of the above for his 50 point limit :slight_smile: