It occurred to me that I have never really done an ongoing blog of various things that I’m working on. I’ll try to keep this updated with all of my various works-in-process, with the exception of Brush Slave and Golden Hats, of course. ;)
Here is the assembly work that I did this weekend:
Plague Bearers:
Titan Games Royal Guard (Awesome, btw):
Custom Slaanesh WoC- Amazon women models with Chaos Warrior and Daemonette Bits- I’m really looking forward to painting these:
Warshrine and [Beastmen] Chariot that I’ll use for a WoC chariot:
Finished 5 more Heroquest models-- here’s all of them so far:
I noticed while I was uploading these to photobucket that one of my monitors has the contrast set wildly different than the other, so the one that I was using looked sensible, whereas the other one had all of the whites blown way out… I guess my question is: what’s normal? Do my images look washed out to you guys? (bear in mind that all the previous pictures were from my phone and the last one is from my camera and run through a filter)
Last night I finished another Dreadfleet model and the three smaller good alliance ships (cogs?). I have as of yet to play the game, but I only have four ships left to paint…
Two nights ago I modified my Khorne warriors with the left over bits that I had from my Skullcrushers. I initially painted them red with a wash and no highlight, so I’m hoping to remedy that and have some done tonight:
I’m normally not quite this productive, but I’ve had the flu all week, so I have nothing better to do than sit around and paint while I watch tv… x.x
Well, I can’t post any pictures because my Internet is out until Sunday, and I’m doing this from my phone, but I finished my Khorne warriors last night and re-based my lord on juggernaut to the larger base. Now I need to re-base my dragon ogres and finish up a fulcrum and some pink horrors. I’ll post pics once my Internet is back up! :cheers
Here’s the finished picture of the Khorne Warriors and the Lord on Juggernaut (although, now I’ve added grass to his base):
And here’s the picture I meant to post of the work to come with Dragon Ogres, Fulcrum, and Pink Horrors:
I got my models that I was planning on using for Tzeentch Chaos Warrior in the mail two days ago, so I went ahead and assembled them. I’ve based them since this photo, and I’m getting ready to prime them as we speak:
Here are the Dragon Ogres, rebased. I went ahead and prepped two more bases and bought the bits for two more Dragon Ogres; they’re really simple and much cheaper than the new GW ones, if you like the style:
Finished the Fulcrum; I should have finished all of these a long time ago, but this makes three out of four, so I only have the large skull-throne one left:
Finally, I finished another Dreadfleet model. I was planning on just priming it, but with this one, by the time you prime it, you’re mostly done, so I went ahead and finished it up quick. :D
So, that just leaves the Pink Horrors, as mentioned above. I have 20 that I have prepped to this stage, and I don’t think it will take long to do them, so if its only an hour or two per batch of five, I may go ahead and do the whole bunch. I love how fast it is to paint Daemons. On the bright side, I no longer have the flu (mostly), so everything goes back to normal schedule-wise as of tomorrow. On the bad side, that means I probably won’t be as productive as I have been this past week… we’ll see. ;)
So, I finished 5 horrors last night, which took a little longer than I was hoping. I went ahead and put the next five on my queue, but then I’ll probably move to something else for some variety before I come back to them. Here’s how they turned out:
I assembled two more Dragon Ogres, which I’m on the cusp of finishing now, and then I’m going to work on the Exalted Flamer Chariot that I just assembled…