[Archive] Slaanesh chosen knight WIP


A shot from the most complete side of my slaanesh knight.

When I get round to painting it he will be my first proper attempt at NMM.



it’s the best knight i have ever seen:):):):):)5/5 chaos dwarfs:)


I love the chestplate of the knight, and specially the curvy pattern on the barding. Im curious of the painted one


Thats got some great greenstuff work with the spiky bits and filigree work.The breastplate is fantastic but i am partial to faces on armour.Although you have added alot of lovely detail it doesnt look too overdone which is refreshing ,possibly because it is quite subtle :hat off


Looks good, so far =) cant wait to see it painted.


Holy :hashut!

That’s just :o:o:o

And here I was trying to get paint on some 6th ed Slaanesh knights I’ve been meaning to paint up for ages. Now they just look like c… well not good in comparison.


That is a very nice looking knight. I especially enjoy the ornamentation on the horses front armour and the modifications to the chestplate of the Knight are simply brilliant.


There’s still a whole load of work to do on the main mini before I can start painting. If I can paint him as well as I hope I can I will assemble another 4 at least.

For the base I was thinking of doing loads of spiky vines? It would carry the theme through from the armour.


So far, great conversion! Will be interesting to see how they turn in the end.

Kera foehunter:

great job grims love all the green stuff details


I’ve hit a problem with the painting.  The way I’m doing the armour is blending warplock purple with black.  This turned out according to plan (as did my first proper attempt at NMM, though it needs more work), but I realise I’ve created a problem on what colour to paint the horse?

On the picture above you can see the studded cloth thing under the barding at the front.  I’ve sculpted this in place of all the chainmail around the back as well.

My natural inclination is to paint the horse black, after all, I have to try really hard to make a guy on a horse with pinkish armour look scary…  This may not look too good compared with the barding, it might lack contrast.  

It also raises the problem of what colour to paint the cloth?  Ideally it would not be too bright, but obviously it cannot be black.  I could just go for a bright pink, but that wouldn’t help me in trying to make it look just a little badass chaos.

What about a scab red mixed with warplock purple, a little like this:


Here are the pics. I had a go painting the cloth part as I described. You should be able to see from the pics that there is a problem with the contrast.


so, you are using warlock purple are you? why not mix in tentacle pink with that for your armor, that way you still keep the same hue range but you will have a very distinct change in the barding and the armor.


Looking awesome so far. And what’s wrong with a dark brown horse?


I’d also like to see a tutorial on how you mixed your colors or even better yet, a tutorial with pics to show what you are talking about… Ilike it so far.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wow, that is some exquisite GS work, Grims. With regards to the colours, how about using a very light brown colour for the leather, if you keep the horse in a dark colour? I found almost bleached bone-coloured fabrics work very well with purples and other colours typical for followers of Slaanesh.


Very nice. Its shaping up!


It’s looking so cool. The GS work is spectacular and I really like the way the purple/red turned out.

An outstanding model :hat off

Can’t wait to see him finished.

And I know you are working at your GUO - but please finish this one - soon - now will you :wink:

Kera foehunter:

i like the look!! It remind me of my pink little pony when i was a kid.

Well a little more evil

Hashut’s Blessing:

Hoy Hell. I literally cannot describe my awe… The painting looks like it’l be just as inexplicable as the sculpting and conversion!