[Archive] Something for the pirate in all of us


Since there has been some interest from some CDO members regarding the discontinued GW “Man o’ War” game, you might also be interested in this…

Uncharted Seas

From a relatively new company, it looks interesting. The Dwarf ships are particularly nice, and there’s an elf fleet coming soon.

I haven’t had a chance to look for reviews, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Enjoy!

Viskar Zhragoth:

Cool, Be interesting to see if they can make it…

kinda reminds me of all of the blood-bowl style games out there…

ManOWar was a great game, and there are plenty of people out there that would really play it if GW would re-release it…but it is such a small game it isn’t really worth it for GW to put the money into it…

Now it seems they have…and a BFG type coming soon too.

Has anyone seen the rules for this?

Kera foehunter:

X-porter thanks very much

you bet i will get this one !!

* kera pours X-porter a mug of rum *


Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Orcs,Pirates,fighting 'umies the n it’s my sort of game

I think i’ll join keras idea and pour you a cup of rum remember that is fungus beer :stuck_out_tongue:


i think i may consider buying this if money permits!


Yay! Rum! Thanks Kera!

And…you too I guess Godbob. Fungus Beer…yum…

Yeah, it looks like Spartan is working on a BFG-type game as well. The preliminary models they have on the site look pretty cool, but still mostly plasticard. But where BFG still has a pretty solid following, Man o’ War is pretty much dead to GW.

They’re developing a fantasy battle game as well, maybe we should start asking them if they’ll be including “Evil Dwarfs” in their world…


Keelhaul the lot of them. That’s what I says… then, make them walk the plank.

Kera foehunter:

Dragging someone one under the keel is kinda mean two heads!!!


Dragging someone one under the keel is kinda mean two heads!!!

Kera foehunter
It certainly is.. I know of no one who has survived a keelhauling.. I was speaking of those that don't like to play sea warfare games.. If they play, they can stay on deck.. otherwise, a keelhauling.. :P

Kera foehunter:

ahhhh just thumb screw them !!that the best you can do to a pencil pusher