[Archive] Swapping BitZ at GW today!

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Hey guys!

There’s a “Swap Bitz” day at the Chinook Centre Mall today in Calgary, Alberta.

I’m going with my family and a store customer and hopefully I can trade off a box of Dwarf warriors (Minus their legs) for some Chaos parts, or other parts. (Maybe 40K Chaos parts?)

I’m also going to see how they do it for a future day in my store, Monster Hobbies.

Wish us luck and possibly see you there!:hat off


Do you know if that is countrywide, or GW worldwide? Personally I haven’t heard of anything about this, but then, I haven’t been to my “local” GW store for quite a few months. Usually, not worth the drive.

Kera foehunter:

Sweet!!  if that was the case down here i would have a ton of stuff to trade!!

ps what would you get for a wore out used boy friend ??

a gnobler ??


Maybe, if your worn out used boyfriend was a gnoblar. Trade ins for similar products only, no returns/cash back.

Kera foehunter:

i see !! well i guess i put him on e-bay he he

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Well Kera, if you opend the package and took the wrapping off, then they won’t return it. LOL!

Grndl, I think this was just something they do in the one store.

Anyway, I brought an almost complete box of Dwarfs and no one was trading any parts. However, I got to play Warhammer 40k with Tau and go against a Baneblade with a group of people.

The chubby, nerdy, annoying kid with the poorly built and painted Orcs decided to blow away my borrowed Tau and then I put my army behind the Baneblade and some other guy blew up the Baneblade, wiping out my army.

I don’t know if it was a good game or not, but I won a sticker. :smiley:

Anyway, I’m thinking of doing something simular for my store…open gamming days. Just have to find the room.

Kera foehunter:

well i put the wrapper on so you could not tell?? ha ha

yea i know all about those types of young one