I agree with Beastybeastbeats. Looking at your core CD none of them is a good hitting unit from 1000pts above. CC warriors should be at least 20 to get a lot of CR. Blunderbussiers about 15 to maximize fire power.
The hobbos are too expensive. Their purpose is too annoy the enemy, provoke failed charges, etc. They are perfect naked. But if you want to gear them standard is very bad. If they are fled by an unit in CC then your opponent gets +100 vp. I would not take any of the command in them, exept the wolfriders, im still not sure how to field them here. In my orc army they run 5-6 models with spears and musican. But here as they are 10+ i have no idea.
Also if i would take hobbo archers, i would make them 2*10 without anything else, you cant field 20 archers on the field effectively in one unit. Dividing them in 2 unit is a good idea.
Make the bolt thrower, or make maybee 2, in the Word of Hashut there is a good way how to convert it from scrap.
So i think over 1000 points with these figures you cant make a good army, thats why you should try to play lover level games.Here is my list, if you want to see a fairly good and balanced list.