Gents do not forget a rather massive boost all fireborn got.
The burning bright rule got a bit better as per that last Forge World FAQ, you don't start rolling until turn "3".
"Q. Do I roll for the K�?Tdaai �?~Burning Bright�?T rule at the start of each player turn after the 2nd?
A. No, at the start of each game turn after the 2nd."
That rule change is massive for the destroyer. For the fire-born it can make a huge difference as well.
I believe it means you roll for burning bright after the start of the second game turn. it just doesn't make sense why they would give it a buff for no reason at all. the ruling was just intended to clarify that the test is taken during game turns and not player turns.
Da Crusha
Indeed, it was badly worded but the initial question would be invalid if you were to treat it this way to claim a 3rd turn for the start of this rule as the rule in the book says "from the second game turn onwards" - so the question in the FAQ is worded and answered wrongly.
They just meant that you don't roll in your opponent's turn and your own turn (so twice per game turn).
You guys are arguing up hill here. The book may say turn 2, but the FAQ very clearly states you begin checking on turn 3. Look at it this way, you cant roll on the start of turn two because the FAQ says “at the start of each game turn after the 2nd.” This is very clearly telling me as the controlling player to begin rolling on turn 3. By that very verb-age, you can not take a check on turn two. So call it what you will but the text is crystal clear.
In my (limited) experience I have found that these guys are amazing for a multitude of reasons, one of them that hasnt been mentioned is backing up the destroyer. In a list I created I call the “Hammer” list I run x2 Destroyers and x12 Fireborn at 3000pts. I was finally able to test them out against some O&G this past weekend with some horrific results for my opponent:
-Massive hordes of Orcs with Goblin shooting, was running a horde of Big-Uns and Black Orcs. Charge one Destroyer and Fireborn unit into each one, both hordes were wiped out in two turns of combat.
I was able to accomplish this so fast by hitting the Destroyer into the front and the Fireborn hitting the flanks. If you can manuever your guys into a position like that It means death for almost anything they hit. I find the Fireborn extremely good at backing up my Destroyers in combat along with often being targeted instead of the Detroyers. :cheers
In my (limited) experience I have found that these guys are amazing for a multitude of reasons, one of them that hasnt been mentioned is backing up the destroyer. In a list I created I call the "Hammer" list I run x2 Destroyers and x12 Fireborn at 3000pts. I was finally able to test them out against some O&G this past weekend with some horrific results for my opponent:
-Massive hordes of Orcs with Goblin shooting, was running a horde of Big-Uns and Black Orcs. Charge one Destroyer and Fireborn unit into each one, both hordes were wiped out in two turns of combat.
I was able to accomplish this so fast by hitting the Destroyer into the front and the Fireborn hitting the flanks. If you can manuever your guys into a position like that It means death for almost anything they hit. I find the Fireborn extremely good at backing up my Destroyers in combat along with often being targeted instead of the Detroyers. :cheers
When I take them in one big block of x12 (only have done it once) I ran them in a 6x2 formation, against a horde of Stormvermin I was able to get massive Amounts of kills every round largely impart to due blazing body.
The tactic with these guys in my "Hammer List" was to have this scary block on one flank and have my x2 K'daai Destroyers on the other.
You guys are arguing up hill here. The book may say turn 2, but the FAQ very clearly states you begin checking on turn 3. Look at it this way, you cant roll on the start of turn two because the FAQ says "at the start of each game turn after the 2nd." This is very clearly telling me as the controlling player to begin rolling on turn 3. By that very verb-age, you can not take a check on turn two. So call it what you will but the text is crystal clear.
Not sure if this was different in the FAQ which was valid in 2012, but at least in the last one from 2013 the FAQ reads like this:
Q. Do I roll for the K�?Tdaai �?~Burning Bright�?T rule at the start of each player turn?
A. No, the test is made at the start of each game turn from turn 2 onwards, and is made by the Chaos Dwarf player.
FAQ from February 25th, 2013
So, without any room for interpretation you clearly start testing at the start of turn 2 and continue throughout the game. If you had the first turn, you start before your 2nd turn and always before your turn, if your opponent had the first turn, you start before his 2nd turn and always before his turn.