I guess it was time for me to have a blog and seeing as I’m out of GH8 it’s a good time as any to start now.
I’ll start with my entry for GH8. I decided to do an Earthshaker with a Daemonic twist. As you can see on the following pics the ‘beast’ is mostly scratchbuild and sculpted.
Wip stages: (sorry for the bad pics, they were taken with my cellphone!)
And the crew wips:
Concept scribble for the crew:
And painted:
Thanks to my crappy photo taking abilities the subtle blendings don't show on the pics, when I have a new cam and learn to take good pics I'll take new ones and post them. :rolleyes:
I really liked this one. I could never entirely place my finger on why, there was just a cool factor about it. The crew looks great, the machine diabolical.
Great sculpting :hat off ,i particularily like the look of the crew mixing the industrial and the demonic engine
But oh no! your hero has lost his hat :o seeing your sculpting tho i bet you have a masterpiece of headgear to replace it.He is looking mighty fine already :hat off
Obsidian, this model is gorgeous. Plain and simple. And your crew conversions are fantastic! I was really choked that you didn’t make it into the top 10. In my opinion, yours is at least top three. Those other folks just don’t have any good taste!
Have told you a few times during the process of making this daemonic beast, how cool I think this it is. And the Chaos Dwarf crew is … stunning You entry was my personal favorite no. 1 - and I would really have loved seeing this victorious.
You did a awesome paintjob - all-in-all - and the beast has a very unique metallic look - not seen before :hat off
- but it’s when looking at the small details/thing’s - that your really talent shows - and show us all how gifted a painter you are
It’s things like the visor on the gas mask dwarf, the gems at the beast and the fire on the torch - really hope you’ll be able to teach me how to paint like that - one day
You really have put a lot of energy into this one - and I’m so sad to see that my/our vote(s) wasn’t enough.
So like Kahn!: ‘Those other folks just don’t have any good taste!’
Please keep up the good work. And I will look forward to what ever The Obsidian Forge will bring But first, finish that hero with axe 1-conversion, please
This is a good take on a demonic warmachine - almost reminds me of the rare unreleased cannon. It is all great but the painting on the visor/ gas mask of the crewman is epic - espically as its on a fantasy not a 40k model where you usually see this sort of effect
Thanks Ubertechie, I was very satisfied with the visor, I’ll try to take a better pics as because of the shadow you hardly see it.
By the way, I found a nifty trick! (new for me!) If you want to see the pics from more up close (bigger) just hold Ctrl and use your mouse scroll. I really blows up the pics without losing detail or getting blurry! :cheers
That is a great conversion, a totally new take on warmachine style and it really stood out of the entries into GH8. The chaos space marine helmet works great with the CD hero, I’m looking forward to witness this guy’s further development!