[Archive] The Red Host of Nir-Kezhar [23-11-2018]

Fuggit Khan:

Your Hobgoblin sculpt is simply amazing :o

Do you have more pics or wip pics of him?

And the idea of the Gobbo with a cut off ear, dung, etc really brings some rather colorful ‘flavor’ to your hung Gobbo.

Great sculpt work and creativity :cheers


@Dînadan: Thank you!

@Sticklander: Thanks! * Bows *

@Abecedar: Less hurtful than orcsmacked I presume? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Thanks!

@Yodrin: Thanks! Haha, I guess the aim of psychological warfare has been achieved then.

@Bloodbeard: Thank you very much, it’s kind of you. Evil is what we’re aiming for here. :hashut

@Fuggit Khan: Thanks a bunch! By the way, the Hobgoblin have a more dynamic eyepatch brother, WIP, which is to ride on the Iron Daemon if I can make it work.

Because of your requests for more pictures of the Hobgoblin I tried to shoot some pictures of this weekend’s finished models from the painting line. With any luck I’ll soon get a cable for a scanner which will turn out clearer pictures than my phone…

Besides that this little update have two purposes. To show the results of my “paintathon” during the weekend and to show the reason to why I rarely updates the log in absence of a real camera. As you will see, my cellphone camera is too poor by far to manage it. I won’t prove it again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Regard this as a sneak peak for a real update, because the picture is so blunt and washed out.


Very nice… but yes, we need a better pic, and we want it fast… hehe


Very nice...... but yes, we need a better pic, and we want it fast.... hehe

I'm used to movement 3 armies, so the update speed will be after those lines. :P But yes, it'll be as fast as possible!

Now what could this be? * Drumroll * Intentionally twilight picture appears.

From humble beginnings grow great things...

Joint Scandinavian Phrygian Hat Headcasting Venture

For your Hobgoblin needs. As you may see here, the plan is to have 7 heads with Phrygian headgear and three without. One helmet, one "low" sneaky hat and one bandaged or hatless head planned.

Step 1, paperclips, superglue and plastic bits as handholders and head basis:

Step 2, grey stuff layer, to be coated with super glue once dry:


Very cool - May have missed this but what minis would the heads fit at this stage?




Very cool - May have missed this but what minis would the heads fit at this stage?



Pretty much any miniature you want to glue/pin the heads to. ;)

For GW miniatures I guess Stormvermin would fit well with the heads, though it would mostly be a matter of head size and style rather than the connection point. We'll make a ball "throat", since it's easier to file/cut it off than sculpt a new throat in every miniature.

Note that I don't have access to many miniatures with socket connections in torsos for heads, so the ball joint will be an estimation and might have to be cut or filed down to size. Thus it will likely be like army boots. One size doesn't fit all. :yar

I also try to keep the heads reasonably sized so as to be useful with historical Mongol figures for example, but it won't be a perfect match. We'll see how close we can get with careful guesstimation!

Besides, I've already started on the eye areas for some heads. With any luck we'll have an update in some days' time, but details will require a better camera.

Billy Ocean:

Your sculpting is amazing! I look forward to following progress on the hobbo heads, I’d probably buy some.


Thank you kindly, Billy Ocean! The Danish department, namely Bloodbeard, will handle all the interested customers once and if this project makes it through the casting process.

The Swedish department is for the moment waiting for a good camera to arrive soon, and hopefully the scanner will be fixed by a more skilled gentleman than myself in the close future.

Lack of detail pictures mean there is only one blunt picture left to post, namely the first measurement photo. This is very rough but need not be more in this early WIP stage (step 3 ongoing as you might spot). The purpose is to give some idea of the length of the faces, since they’re the crucial scale point. Headgear size won’t be much of a hindrance for fitting with your models, but face size might very well be so in the worst scenarios.

Measurements given in centimetre scale. :wink:

What do you think of the nose sizes? I’m partial to cut down the unsculpted noses a bit, and if need be recut and resculpt the already finished ones. One or more seem big. Maybe too big.

Fuggit Khan:

What do you think of the nose sizes? I'm partial to cut down the unsculpted noses a bit, and if need be recut and resculpt the already finished ones. One or more seem big. Maybe too big.

These sculpts are looking very, very nice...but the noses do seem to be a bit long, as opposed to the size.
By that I mean the sizes work well, but having the nose stick out so far straight out makes them look more like Goblins as opposed to the classic 4th edition Hobgoblins which had them sculpted with their noses 'hanging down' more. Not sure if that makes sense...I would position the noses to not stick straight out, trying to keep the look and feel of the original GW Hobbo's :h

Great work so far!


These sculpts are looking very, very nice...but the noses do seem to be a bit long, as opposed to the size.
By that I mean the sizes work well, but having the nose stick out so far straight out makes them look more like Goblins as opposed to the classic 4th edition Hobgoblins which had them sculpted with their noses 'hanging down' more. Not sure if that makes sense...I would position the noses to not stick straight out, trying to keep the look and feel of the original GW Hobbo's :h

Great work so far!

Fuggit Khan
Thank you. This is exactly my thought on the matter as well. I'll redo the noses. They'll be easier to cast that way if nothing else!


Nice sculpts, but also agree with Fuggit, noses are a bit long:)


Great progress. Will reply to your messages when possible.

I agree with Fuggit and Yodrin. Hobgoblin noses are a bit like crocked beaks.

The facial structure looks good. Hobgoblins have long slim allmost horselike faces. Goblins are broader more round. So good job.


Good feedback, Yodrin and Bloodbeard. Thanks! I’ve just finished making new noses, pictures of that later. You’ll even get a blunt one tomorrow if you want.

Please take a look at the Hobgoblin taskmaster sculpted for my army. Do you notice the hair under his hat flaps? I’ve planned to do something similar on the heads, but would you rather have the heads without hair? And would the hair’s position present a casting problem?


I think hair would be a good touch :slight_smile:


Strains of hair would be great. A lot of the old hobgoblins has a hair og to here and there. Great little extra detail.


I think hair would be a good touch :)

I agree!


Then hair we shall have!

This is probably the last possible blunt picture from my phone, since the rest of the faces really will need better detail pictures. What do you think of the noses now? Are they crooked enough?

It’s probably a simple matter to carve them down if need be.

Work have progressed with faces since picture was taken. Faces to be finished (bar remakes) today if possible.


We arrive today with blunt mobile phone pictures again for two reasons, folks:

After a long trial and error process we’ve finally given up on the HP scanner. Camera still incoming.

Progress have been so fast that I really have to show all interested parties what we’re up to at the moment, in order to minimize “wastage” of work as some points might need to be remade.

Of course, the scrapyard “clarity” of the pictures will work counter to that purpose. But don’t be scared. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

One possible problem I encountered whilst preparing the softhats were varying heights and thicknesses. Again, I’m not worried in the least by slight variation (there will be in head sizes as well), but what is your judgement of this? I’ve here tried to compare two extremes from the samples, everything else is in between. Are the hat tops’ size difference too big? Which one do you prefer?

Also for those wondering about the hair, this is about how it will look with hat flaps on the sides, but longer for the actual soft hats. It’s a work in progress boar tusk helmet:

Damn, I need that camera.


I think the head on the left is better. In fact, thickness wise, I think the left one is the slimmest you want to go.


I agree with Dinadan, left one is the best one. I also agree with you, you need that camera ;):wink: