[Archive] Updated FAQ's

Hashut’s Blessing:

That’s just me being special then. I even remember now this having been discussed before. My excuse is that the topic came up with the Banner of Eternal Flame and Flaming attacks doesn’t specify just close combat. My apologies FAQ people, this was a MUCh needed update for idiots like me ^^

P.S. Still prefer it if it did make shooting attacks AP, but that’s because I like it that way :smiley: Although, thinking about it, it’s very expensive for what it does (wasn’t cheap before, but IMO overpriced now that I’m looking at the way it works properly).

Thommy H:

Razor banner has always been close combat, it's very clear, apart from the model carrying the banner.

Why is it different for the model carrying the banner?


That’s why it’s “odd”.

The rules would be much easier to remember if all banners that enhance attacks would effect either close combat attacks or both.


I think the most important rules change for us CD players is that when a WM breaks from combat, the chargers cannot overrun. That might give us some time when our machine park is invaded.

However, the most important change related to my gaming style is about the BSBs refusing a challenge. When a BSB is “sent behind” due to refusing a challenge, the army loses his reroll abilities until the next turn. I generally field the units without champs and refuse the challenges with my BSB so it s a big blow for me.

I think I need to drop black hammer and take that 4++ for my BSB in my standard build.


Razor banner has always been close combat, it's very clear, apart from the model carrying the banner.

Why is it different for the model carrying the banner?

Thommy H
It's not, that's just me being stupid.

At least we can now put our warmachines in a nice neat line and not have to worry about overrunning anymore!


still might not be a good idea mate. if the enemy wipes the crew out in CC, they still get to overrun.

Hashut’s Blessing:

burock’s right - they can overrun from killing you, but if the crew flees, the unit dies, but you cannot overrun. Let’s be honest, it’s easy for a unit to kill even three Chaos Dwarf crewmen in a single round of combat :wink:

What is it with so many of us having problems regarding magic banners? Me being a spaz about the Razor Standard, nilbog getting confused about how it effects the holder etc, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh, I think most people I’ve played against (at the doubles tourney as well) have always played that the BSB loses his Hold Your Ground ability if sent to the back. Although, to be fair, I don’t often find it happens :wink: People either don’t have a BSB, have tooled him for combat or accept with someone else.