[Archive] W: 1 WHQuest Minotaur! - H: Lots of Bitz!


I am looking for 1 single Warhammer Quest plastic Minotaur. This is the single pose, gloved, wide-spread arms, big axe, minotaur that came in a group of 3 (i think) with the original Warhammer Quest Box Set. I have 1 already that I am using as unit filler in a CD Warrior unit, and would like a 2nd as I have the PERFECT mask for him (but only wanna use it for 2nd one!).

I have tonz of bitz to trade. Just tell me what you might be looking for.

Here’s a list of plastic boxsets that i have alot of bitz leftover from:

Dryads (even the bodies!),

Goblins (everything but the wolfrider and archer parts),

Spear tops from Night Goblins,

Carnifex gun bitz,

Genestealer bitz (i only used the claw arms),

Flagellant bitz (LOTS of skulls on chains, books, and scrolls),

Plaguemonk bitz (lots of scrolls and skavenish things…),

Bloodletter (standard flags and musician horns),

Dark Elf Coldone Knights (I only used the cold one bodies!)

Spawn bitz (but i do tend to use the best partz)

Tomb King Chariot (the rider & horse skeletons)

Coprse Cart (lots of random zombies/corpse parts)

Skinks (with bows & terradon rider & terradon wings)

There’s alot more that I am forgetting…
