[Archive] What are you trying to pull, GW?


The new seekers of Slaanesh appear to be $24.75 USD for five of them… I expected them to be around $40 USD for five. Whats up? I think that these are some of the coolest daemon’s they’ve released in a whial- But im officially suspicious as to why they’re only 24.75…

Anyway, what do you think? Why are these great models only $24.75?

I’ll pick these guys up to use as Warp-Beast’s for my Dark Eldar.

Thommy H:

Are you complaining because they’re too cheap?

I have now, officially, seen everything.


No, im wondering why they’re so cheap.


They are in line with what plastic cav costs from Gw. Seeker are daemon cav, so the price is the same as the cold one knights, boar riders & chaos knights.


Yeah, i suppose so. Just unusual for them to be this cheap, for new models.


Yeah, i suppose so. Just unusual for them to be this cheap, for new models.

All part of the masterplan. 8th ed requires infantry. Cavalry is a luxury. Who'd buy seekers at 40$ a box when you need to buy all those 25$(???) 10 man infantry boxes?

As mentioned all new cav boxes have been this "cheap". They make a killing on the infantry though.


Snow, thanks- Your explanation makes quite a lot of sense! I think these are my favorite new daemon models- They will make a unique edition to my Dark Eldar.

Thommy H:

This is ridiculous.

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Chaos Knights were nice and cheap as well, I think all (non monstrous) cav will be priced about the same now.

They should put them out at a slight discount though, for the inconvinience of having to bend all the riders legs. :wink:


Maybe because they only need 2-3 sprues, while infantry might require several more? I seem to remember 3-4 for cold one knights.

Where as my old infantry boxes have 8+ sprues, plus shield sprues.

Perhaps because it just cheaper?


I doubt the sprue count issue. GW is a business first and foremost now, and has found a way to make a killing on plastic men by selling them in 10s for around 20 dollars. When you used to be able to get 16-20 a box for 30 bucks a few years back with hordes worth of sprues.

Its all business in my opinion.

richard barby:

all part of the plastic heroin plan of gw

Ishkur Cinderhat:

It’s because they are Slaanesh daemons. The price is just a devious way to lure unsuspecting customers into buying them and then lose their soul.


Yeah. The plastic heroin thing… I already sold my soul to GW for more orks.


I doubt the sprue count issue. GW is a business first and foremost now, and has found a way to make a killing on plastic men by selling them in 10s for around 20 dollars. When you used to be able to get 16-20 a box for 30 bucks a few years back with hordes worth of sprues.

Its all business in my opinion.

Yes, ten years before the last price rise the infantry boxes went up to £12 for twenty models. Factoring in inflation, they should be at around £24 for twenty models.

Oh look, they are :P

Seriously, most GW core infantry have had their prices increase at slightly less than inflation.

I don't mind people complaining they're expensive, but inflationary price-rises on a two-year-basis is not a cause for a complaint in of itself.

Back to topic, as has been pointed out, these are in-line with similar models. In most cases where they've replaced metals with plastics price has either come down, or stayed static (for a bigger/better kit). This is thus hardly a surprise.

The only reason it's surprising is miss-timed replacements occurring over normal price rises and adjustments (see "Goldswords"), has left people expecting worse.


Are you complaining because they're too cheap?

I have now, officially, seen everything.

Thommy H
that made me laugh.:hat off


Well for a company known for 95% of the time of raising prices I can understand why people would be surprised. Sad commentary on how peeople view GW actually.