Hrothgar Goldgreed:
The question is really simple; what kind of Chaos Dwarfs would you like to see if there they would be redone? I mean if they should be Bighats again, 3rd edition ones, Hellcannon ish or perhaps a mix of these …
Hrothgar Goldgreed:
The question is really simple; what kind of Chaos Dwarfs would you like to see if there they would be redone? I mean if they should be Bighats again, 3rd edition ones, Hellcannon ish or perhaps a mix of these …
Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:
Well, I think it should be like this a mix of things.
Heroes and elites: Bighats
Core Soldiers: 3rd edition style
Blunderbusses and warmachine crews: Hellcannonish
Ishkur Cinderhat:
I think all designs have their merits. So if there is a way to combine all styles into one coherent army design, that would be the way to go for me.
I said “mix” as I think that’d be best… and if in the forms of bits options… it’d be pricier, but everyone would be happy. Tough I love the Big Hats most.
Edit: I’d probably convert mine to be big hats if they don’t, so I’ll be happy to just have them redone! Just make the rules good. Not broken, not weak, but cool/fun/competitive.
Kera foehunter:
well i have to say a mix !! the hobos need updated badly
and update the warriors to!! hats or mask it doesn’t matter
maybe make the hats like a upgraded warrior!!
I think heroes and important characters should have big hats and units look like hell cannon crew style
I voted Big Hat, but as soon as I did, I thought the mix would be better. /sigh
I like the idea of the Hat being a status symbol and that lesser CD have Masks and Helms. I think it helps define their hierarchy and provides a lot of variety without overloading the army visually.
I voted Big Hat, but as soon as I did, I thought the mix would be better. /sighI have to agree with this, that would be pretty interesting and help the characters stand out too!
I like the idea of the Hat being a status symbol and that lesser CD have Masks and Helms. I think it helps define their hierarchy and provides a lot of variety without overloading the army visually.
Hell cannon like plus a few helmets in there for me! :cheers:
just make a mix
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Hrothgar Goldgreed:
Thanks for the comments, quite an unexpected turnout so far as I thought everybody would just go for the Hellcannon style …
Edit: I’d probably convert mine to be big hats if they don’t, so I’ll be happy to just have them redone! Just make the rules good. Not broken, not weak, but cool/fun/competitive.Yeah that’s a most important point there, rules are much, much more important than the models as everybody already has his (or hers!) CDs converted already
Although it’s usually never a problem on this site I will remind everyone to keep civil in this discussion (not saying anyone has gotten out of hand or will) simply this discussion can get heated at times.
With that out of the way, 3rd edition all the way, with a qualfier: whatever model stylevas long as they make them.
Mix does it for me representing different family clans and there proffession/status.Hats for those in charge ,3rd ed style for warriors and hellcannon crew style for engineers,mining crews etc:hat
Godbob and his jolly rogers:
i like a choice in plactic units
but if i were to collect them hellcannonish
The Hellcannon crew are the latest CD figures, so i’m guessing any new CD would look like them.
Which is fine by me.
Hashut’s Blessing:
Personally, I like big hats most. However, I also think it’s more practical for the crewmen to have masks or a combo, like the death rocket crew have. On the same note, I know it’s not everyone’s taste and so I think some combination is best, such as a masks option (like the Dwarf "Long"beard upgrade) and a hat option (again, to glue on).
Safe to say that people would say “any” if GW actually started making them again.
Personally I’d go with Hellcannon style. Although views (mine at least) are likely to be skewed, since the newest models (the best quality by far IMO) are those with the Hellcannon, I still prefer this to the hats.
While hats are nice because they link Chaos Dwarfs to the ancient Assyrian/Babylonian style, I think that there are other ways of doing this, and I’m not a fan of large, out-of-proportion headgear (I have an extreme aversion to most of the high elf models due to this).
In addition, while modelled faces allow fangs to show, and add further character, I think that masks make the army more sinister, and more like a hyper-industrial, furnace driven, technological race.
Hellcannon stylee for me, I really like the hench masked look.
Arakagaan Calasson:
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