[Archive] What might be your next army

Kera foehunter:

Well im thinking of an ogre army when and if i ever get the cd pirates done :o

Pyro Stick:

Well, after i finish my chaos dwarfs, then my Tomb Kings, then my Wood Elves and then my Skaven i want to make a 3000 points army of Night Goblins or a small chaos army because i have a few heros and i like the warriors and the knights.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

i’ve been know for collecting one army but now i collect orcs and dark elves


Nothing actually, why would I need another army after Chaos Dwarfs! Hashut is not pleased with the noob who asks suck presumptuous questions on his unholy forum!

Kera foehunter:

thats no noop it me the unholy pirate.Sorry willmark but Hashut gave me to the lava monster.who gave me to davy jones who lost a bet to me so im free !!!

No god guide my fate.

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Well so far I collect dwarfs and chaos dwarfs, however I’m starting a high elf army based on Nagarythe and I’m also thinking of making a Nurgle force of either daemons or chaos mortals.

And i’m also making a small 500 point force army of dwarfs based on the engineering guild.


I’m working on an Ork Force allied with a small outcast of the Lost and the Danmed - the humanoid models - well maybe some demons, sence my “HQ” Warboss is possessed by a greater deamon :slight_smile:


I’m working on a Frog army and a new rule system… not for Warhammer though. I’m also working on some projects for Historicon.

Chaos Dwarfs will be my last GW army I’m building and that process is going slowly (I need to get some more Green stuff and other stuff for my Demon Robots).

I wish I had a camera so I could post more pictures here…


I will probably go for bretonia, I have a cool idea for them


I have a few I wanna finish off, Empire, Tomb Kings, Daemons and then I want to start an ogre army and Wood elf army with no elves in it! :hat


After I am done with my Dwarfs(also useble as Chaos Dwarfs) and Tomb Kings(also useble as Vampire Counts) I dont know yet though I think is very probable I will expend the greenskin faction of the CD army so it can be fielded as a seperate O&G army. Chaos mortals is something I´ve considered as well, but first things is first!


I am building some 40k squats - they are across bewteen dwarfs and space marines, using sm rules. they will be mechanised as much as poss.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I’m thinking about Daemons (Fantasy), Imperial Guard (40k), Tyranids (40k) and Tomb Kings (Fantasy) every now and then. But so far my Chaos Dwarfs still motivate me… :slight_smile:


I will apply oneself to my Ogres, Vampirs and Dwarfes. Maybe I will start one HoC army… Or the Death Korps of Krieg divison from Forgeworld.


The only army I haven’t done is Vampires, but I can’t afford big horde armies these days. The new Dark Elves would be tempting as cultists of Slaanesh, and I need to finish my Ogres. Most likely I would work on Daemons as I have the core of an army already and I like their forum


More like when I will be able to start working on any of my armies. I have a pretty massive collection of almost all the armies I want to eventually do. It looks like a small hobby shop down in my basement. :hashut I just need to have time to work on them.

I think the next one I will be working on in tandem with my CDs will be dwarfs though. We’re building a big gaming table at home with a theme, and I think it’ll be pretty cool to have the Dwarfs vs. Chaos Dwarfs on the theme. I’ll send pictures on the work in progress when I get a chance to work on the work in progress. :rolleyes:

Kera foehunter:

Have anyone thought of making a skaven army.


I tried to once but lost interest after one clanrat box. They make good slaves though…

After i finish my Chaos Dwarfs, DoW and my all plastic IG…hmmm, i’m not sure. Something with a historical theme…so maybe Albion Celts, very Aztec Lizardmen, something like that. However, new models are always tempting

Knight Of Awsome:

Some really cool space marines or some choas space marines.


I’m running impatient for CD and kislevites dissapear. Perhaps necrons. Or a vostroyan themed imperial guard.

Converted dwarfs into a Demiurg army is one of my projects. But I still have no real idea about that.