To Wilmarks remark on Chaos Ogres staying the way they are cause Ogre Kingdomes ruined the Ogre look for good, I concur absolutely. redo the Ogre Kingdoms as Old School Mordheim Ogres and I will be happy.
To models I’d like redone:
Pamela Anderson, though you can’t really redo her anymore and there’s all the ickyness attached to that particular model that associates it with unsavouryness.
what why? i think they look tough and chaos looking
Godbob and his jolly rogers
Chaos warriors do not look evil enough. They lack detail and are poorly posed. Basically compare them to any decent bit of art from Hoc or WoC and you will see what a proper chaos warrior should look like.
Chaos warriors do not look evil enough. They lack detail and are poorly posed. Basically compare them to any decent bit of art from Hoc or WoC and you will see what a proper chaos warrior should look like.
yes but these Chaos warriors look siaster while the old ones look goofy with there hunched back and spikes stuck were ever possible