Hope to see this hellcannon finished and catch you in the next contest!
Also I had missed you originally intended a lord on throne to accompany your other musician Golden Hat! Amazing diorama even without that centerpiece.
Hope to see this hellcannon finished and catch you in the next contest!
Also I had missed you originally intended a lord on throne to accompany your other musician Golden Hat! Amazing diorama even without that centerpiece.
Dry brush a darker colour over that ans see how it looks, then go from there
Incredible army! So you have any of pictures of the army all assembled in a single shot?
So, today we’re doing a different kind of crafting
As there were no German TOW magic cards available, we simply made and printed some ourselves. Today it’s time to punch the edges
Shame on me, I’ve been meaning to answer you for a long time,
At the moment there’s no overall picture, I’d have to take one, but I’m always so dissatisfied with the pictures.
I’ll see when I get the chance.
This is the last one from September 23, not. The best quality ……not
After what felt like umpteen years, I finally got round to painting these days, and I think the whole unit will be painted something like this.
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
I’m always looking for reasons to motivate myself to paint and the Darkeforgeed is something to spur me on.
April was all about heroes…
Wolfbaneart has created something really nice and I hope that my painting will really show off this model.
I hope you enjoy it.
Zraakh the Orc Crusher
Zraakh comes from one of the clans that are heavily involved in the procurement of labour in the Dark Lands. The ruling wizard prophet of his clan recognised his magical powers at an early age and began teaching him the dark arts. However, he soon realised that his “pupil” was learning quickly, too quickly, and thus gaining power. So he soon sent the still young Zraakh on expeditions to procure slaves for the forges. Less in the hope of obtaining many slaves, the troops were sent with Zraakh into the Eastern Mountains to hunt down scattered Black Orcs and possibly requisition some of the affiliated greenskins.
The battle against the Black Orcs took a bloody toll on the slave catchers under Zraakh, but he managed to defeat the charging hordes of Black Orcs with a banner pole torn from a wagon and adorned with an imposing iron bull’s head when he smashed the boss’s armoured skull with the banner pole.
Since that day, he has carried the banner pole, which he has now remodelled as a hammer, around with him as a weapon, just like his new name, which the few surviving slave hunters gave him.
At the moment I’m starting a battle with Greenstuff,
unfortunately the mould of GW was not in a good condition, so I have to rebuild the frame and also the front of the crest platform
Hello everyone,
here’s my contribution to the March Darkforged,
I hadn’t finished the minis, they were just a bit difficult to paint and I can’t say why. Nevertheless, I’m glad to have finally finished them.
They look, like all your other minis, awesome! I love them!
After X montags it´s Finale time to continue. Ím taking advantage of my Holiday and teh good weather thtás still here to prekär the Minis. It´s supposed to rain in West Jutland in a few days.
Then it´s time for pints and brushes.
First of all, the Minis were decoloured, the original Point was coo, but diddńt Match mine. After the I realised that there were still some Casting residieren
I sanded the Patch an quickly Place the Minis on a Cork.
And the Prime, I´ll continue in a few days
Finally, finally they are ready:
10 beautiful big hats with Blunderbuss. It only took almost half a year^^. I was afraid to drill out the mouths and tried to add some depth to them. I think there’s still room for improvement, does anyone have any ideas?
otherwise just let me know what you think of the guys
So and now the next project
Prepare first…
Isopropanol is my friend, even if it is a bit tedious, I get from the rightmost example (thickly applied primer, or overpainted layer of paint) to the classic grey, only the leftmost one resists constantly
I did this with my monopose bkack orcs. It will be worth it in the end. Maybe dettol is a bit better?
Look forward to seeing the painted results!
Thank you , I´ll try your tip on the next models.
After a few Hours, an old toothbrush and a small dentist´s too, ah and a lot of Alkohol (Isopropanol)
The Black Orcs Look pretty grey from the
So the Testmini is painted, I saw a colour scheme here that I copied. But I’m not entirely convinced.
What do you think about it?
There was still something I didn’t like about my boy.
Now a little less yellow on the shoulder plates and that’s good. Maybe a bit of scratching and dirt on the armour and good, right?