Grim Dark future thread

Indomitus challenge

I have a race to finish 25pl with a friend, here’s my progress and what’s left to do


Getting further along with the first 25pl, this is all the part painted and painted minis


Looks great, the bases really make them pop!

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Really like the look of the deathwatch marines (that is what the white guys are?).

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Yeah looking to do a little Deathwing and Ravenwing contingent in my 50pl list

ATV up next

Pigment base before and after


Looking like the Batmobile right now :grin:

Couldn’t help but put it together before the metallics


Finished 25pl


Loved the new Dark Angels Codex release and everything that came with it

In the lead up to it I got a little overexcited about getting a Deathwing Army based around Bladeguard Veterans, planning out a little narrative in my head too and even picked some stuff up early before the book came…

…then the book came and I’d realised I’d made some assumptions about Bladeguard, as the Termie squads were getting Objective secured special rule I’d thought the Bladeguard would too but nope. So I had a really cool little list that had little to no way of actually scoring any points in a game :man_facepalming:t2:
A bit of a let down but I’m still going to do something with that Deathwing contingent, for now though needed to write a new list for Crusade to get playing when we are finally free from this lockdown.
I got myself a well-rounded list with a bit of everything in there, fast attack, elites and some good old heavy support… unfortunately though it meant I also ended up with a few more minis to BATG though it is mainly made of minis I already owned so at least the purchases are minimal (Just one Librarian to be added)

Hidden in there is a MKIII tactical unit I couldn’t help but start on…


Looking great @GhraskDragh

Always love your gritty and realistic painting style. Makes the space marines look like hardened warriors you wouldn’t want to mess with! All too often they look like power rangers haha. Great stuff mate.


Thanks @Oxymandias

I’ve been been doing a bit of work on these guys, more on the way for the Deathwing…


Ok so I’ve got way too many threads in the Off-topic section so instead of starting yet another I’m going to hijack this one

Updating the title as it’s already pretty gritty here so we should be fine.

I’ve been looking to do something a bit different with space marines for a while and also improve on the LoA Chaos Dwarfs scheme I’m using. I’ve already done so much of that army though there’s no changing that now so thought I’d give it a go here.

Still on the test mini stages, more heavily weathered and detailed as this won’t be an army project but all the the same paints used (near enough).

Wanted to do some Space Wolfy marines, working on the colours for now but wanting to add in some sculpted details too later to make them more Viking/Space Wolf like.

Enough chat…


Fantastic! That paint scheme works equally well for space marines, that dude looks amazing.


Excellent painting!


Cheers both :+1:t2::vulcan_salute:t2:

Did finish this guy last month and I’m back on the Kill Team for this month too


Sniper is in, 2 down 8 to go


I’ve been staying in the future for the latest works

But also the future past…?


More Kill Teams being painted

I’m not sure if I’m completely done with mass battles but I’m enjoying the small skirmish level have so much right now I’m not thinking about anything else, hence more Kill Teams in the works.

Yet another white armour scheme :thinking::grin:


Again, love your stuff mate! Beautiful