EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

Well, that was exciting!

I’ve left analysis a bit later than last year because I had, honestly, quite a busy December. Lots of family and work stuff happening all over the place, and no real break to speak of.

Final Scores

BATG and Shame Golf:

  • :arrow_up: Models added: 201
  • :arrow_down: Models painted: 232

:arrow_right: Total BATG score: -31

  • :arrow_up: New release penalties: 5
  • :arrow_down: Models sold or given away: 68
  • :arrow_down: Unit & boxset completion bonuses: 17

:arrow_right: Total Shame Golf score: -79

Figure Case:

Remembering that these are models painted, this year.

  • :red_square: Unassembled: 411 → 341 :arrow_down: -70 net new-on-sprue
  • :orange_square: Assembled: 723 → 431 :arrow_down: -292 net assembled waiting for paint
  • :yellow_square: In Progress: 178 → 277 :arrow_up: +99 net primed or partly painted
  • :green_square: Finished: 593 → 818 :arrow_up: +225 net completed

The final score stands at -31 because a lone Nighthaunt Grimghast Reaper (the one with the bell - I want it to finish my ragged axemen) snuck itself into a bitz order that I didn’t expect to arrive until early January, but the Royal Mail have proven their mettle once again!

That means I’ve made the threshold for Bronze, which I’m damn happy with. In comparison to last year’s final score of 143 it’s positively heroic!

Once again, I’ve painted well over 200 models: 232 compared with last year’s 243, but I did have to have surgery twice and quite a few more of this year’s crop were “from scratch” than the last. I think it’s a pretty fair effort!

Purchases came down from 386 last year to 201 this year - it should have been 200 but for the Royal Mail! I had several months this year where do didn’t (or almost didn’t) buy any new models. No-mini-May was a great success, and in September and December I only picked up one or two models!

In terms of fine-grained detail, I got 9 tanks and 3 giants painted. I completed 12 full units. Terrain was clearly my cheatcode for the year, because I painted 44 pieces of terrain (mostly while recovering from surgery). All the rest was individual models or additions to existing units.

Doing some examination of the Figure Case numbers, I reckon I sorted out the undercoating barrier that I had in 2022. 292 models (net) left the assembly stage this year, and there’s a 99 extra models apparently primed and ready to get on the painting table. If I build or undercoat nothing in 2024, I can paint 277 models.

Of course, we all know that’s not how it works.

In regards to my goals, I’ve done alright with three out of five!

  • Goal 1: Paint more than I buy. Success! Negative BATG score achieved!
  • Goal 2: Paint more big stuff. Success! Painted 12 tanks and giants, vs 3 last year.
  • Goal 3: Paint more Chaos Dwarfs. Mixed. Only painted 2 but they look great.
  • Goal 4: Keep up with storage. Success! There’s only 3 models which still don’t have a home, and that’s because they are enormous.
  • Goal 5: Finish more projects. Failure. I completed the Tyranid Kill Team, but I can’t really say I really finished anything else this year.

I still have plenty left to paint in almost all of my projects: Troggoths, Night Goblins, Ogors, Chaos Dwarfs, Cities of Sigmar, AOS endless spells, Sons of Horus, and of course a mountain of Imperial Guard infantry and tanks still require my ministrations. Only my Nighthaunt are tantalisingly close to finished: just Lady Olynder and this standalone Reaper are still in need of paint.

Perhaps next year will be the year of polishing off.

Bring on 2024!