EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

There are updates!

To fuel my sudden Kill Team addiction, I picked up the Nachmund box set. I’m calling this 20 models in the Kill Teams (which I’ll be moving on soon) and 14 models for the terrain - which is more of an average than anything else since it comes in bits and gets moved around.

I also undercoated a few models:

I think this is like 53 guardsmen and 11 barricades. Maybe I will feel strong and finish some of them.


This blue guy. He’s WIP for a painting competition in my local Kill Team Discord. We’re supposed to spend a month painting and honestly this only took like two hours to get to this point and I’m not sure how I’m going to drag it out.


I actually finished something! It’s a dreadful photo but these six Azyrite Ruin pieces are complete. Basecoat and two rounds of drybrushing is all it took.

So 34 added and 6 removed from the pile for today’s update, for a net change of +28. That will take me almost to +100, about the same place I was last year.

How do I feel about this?


BATG score: +96 :negative_squared_cross_mark: