EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

I painted a bunch of stuff!

Firstly, I finished up the Imperial Guardsmen I’ve been working on (well, some of them anyway):

There’s fifteen in the picture but one of them was a reference model, so it’s fourteen off the pile,

Next I decided to rifle through my Contrast paints and slap a bunch of them randomly on the Mancrusher Gargants I built a while back, just to see what would happen:

I’ve got two on the workbench but only finished one today.

Finally, while I was waiting for that to dry I decided to super-chest and painted this Emerald Lifeswarm endless spell for Age of Sigmar:

Slapchop for the win! I’m not sure if it comes across in the photo but it looks real nice.

As per recent posts, I need a new lightbox so the pics are a bit sad for now.

Anyway, sixteen models off the count for today. I can smell zero nearby!

BATG score: +8 :negative_squared_cross_mark: