EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

Thanks Reaver! I try to entertain - many years ago I found an amazing High Elves blog that was a barrel of laughs, and aim to keep this thread similarly fun.

Speaking of fun, I’ve painted some more Rogue Trader inspired Imperial Guard:

I can’t believe it’s taken me twenty-plus years to find a guard scheme that I really like and that doesn’t take ages to paint!

These guys are just a blast, a completely different experience from the Mordians when I was painting them. The unit markings (the shoulders, knee and helmet stripe) are about the only actually complicated work, so for about half of the time I’m painting it feels like I’m just putting finishing touches on!

No lightbox pic because the unit isn’t done yet - I’ll get the photo box set up once all ten are finished.

Five off the pile.

BATG score: -14 :white_check_mark:

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