EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

Thanks @bas_2312 !

Just a small update today , model #200 isn’t ready yet, but is in progress.

Meanwhile, a Rhino arrived which will get some gentle improvements to serve the Sons of Horus.

It counts as 5 effort for Figure Case:

BATG score: 48 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -78 :white_check_mark:



I’ve finally painted the very first Chaos Dwarf I put together back when I first got excited and joined this forum. Without this little fella, I wouldn’t be here with all the stuff I’ve painted this year!

I’ll go into a little detail on how I painted him in my Chaos Dwarf blog, which hasn’t had any love in a while!

Also I decided a while ago that I wanted a Hobgrot hero, and instead of buying more Hobgrot Slittaz - which would be cheap but leave me with more modes to paint - bought Krookgrin from Underworlds:

So… one in one out, I guess!

BATG Score: 48 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -78 :white_check_mark:


I’ve had a Forgeworld package in the post for an inordinate amount of time. It finally arrived today, mostly parts but it contained the Sons of Horus Cataphractii Praetor. He’s a beast so he counts as two effort in Figure Case, and I’m going to put some proper effort into him.

I haven’t gotten any painting done, but I did some building now that the shoulder pads arrived that I’d been waiting on:

Despoilers made from a mix of two generations of assault Marines, MKIV torsos, 3d printed heads and shoulders, Forgeworld shoulders and some tactical legs thrown in for variety. I have parts for ten more, and have definitely spent more on them than I needed to!

BATG score: 49 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -77 :white_check_mark:


Great choice for model 200 :beer:

Lovely paint job, I’ve also got that Praetor coming for my October count, looking forward to painting that great model

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Thanks @GhraskDragh ! I couldn’t not paint a Chaos Dwarf for number 200, in the end! The Cataphractii Praetor is such a great model - I think I’ll be equipping it differently, but I love the swagger in the pose.

In terms of update, I finally got a rider for my old-school Lammasu:

It’s not the Sorcerer-Prophet but the lord off the Great Taurus, but I’ve been keeping an eye out for so long that I’m happy with any rider! I won’t count him as a +1 since he’s technically bitz (?) - if I’d gotten the Lammasu with a rider, it would have counted as only one.

Speaking of only one, I built a rhino for my Sons of Horus:

It’s the modern 40K Rhino kit with a few bits odd the Sicaran accessory kit to give it that rogue trader style!

I also built my Justaerin, since I found some time to wash all the parts earlier today:

My superglue is starting to go off, so they were an absolute PIG to put together. I had to pin more things than I would have expected, and I spent a lot of time holding things and waiting for the glue to set. I need new superglue!

All in all, today is… zero on the BATG score, but 10 effort assembled.

That’s fine by me :smiley:

BATG score: 49 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -77 :white_check_mark:


Over the weekend I’ve sold the Ork fortress from Octarius (5 parts), built Krookgrin the Hobgrot, built my Sicaran battle tank and got some greenstuff work done on my Chaos Dwarfs with 2h weapons. I also magnetised a bunch of bases but that doesn’t move any of the counts.

My thousand points of Sons of Horus are now ready for painting:

That’s -5 models sold for Shame Golf, and quite a bit of Effort shifting in Figure Case, but no movement on the BATG score.

BATG score: 49 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -82 :white_check_mark:


Well, I think I finally fell off the wagon.

I over the last month I’ve bought:

  • An Imperial Guard command squad +5
  • Five Orruk Brutes (to become Black Orcs) +5
  • The IG regimental advisors pack +3
  • Five Cawdor gangers (to finish the Sigmarite chariots, count as bits)
  • 17 Grots +17
  • A third Hellcannon crewman (yay!) +1
  • At least 30 Chaos Space Marines’ worth of bits to restock my depleted bits box (no pics, they’re in a tub already) +30

Total: +61

And I also have another rhino kit coming, but it hasn’t arrived, so it doesn’t count yet. Also also, I might have forgotten something, so if I find something else I’ll add it to the record.

In positive (sort of) news, though, the Astra Militarum codex news/leaks have me geared up to work on my Imperial Guard army. Here is the infantry:

You’ll note lots of gaps, those are for squads that I want to fill out with the current models before they’re discontinued.

I’ll certainly be buying the new Cadians box when it comes out, and I suspect after it does I’ll never want to touch an ‘02 Cadian again. I’ve had most of these models for about twenty years, and I WANT THEM FINISHED.

So, this is now an Imperial Gurd blog (I joke… mostly).

I’ve (re)painted 8 of them this month, with some more to come, I hope:

That puts me on +53 for this update.


BATG score: 102 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -29 :white_check_mark:


The rhino arrived.

I’ve also done some more building to prepare my Imperial Guard infantry for the end of the current kit’s life.

20 built on Saturday.

25 built on Sunday.

There’s a few more guard coming in the post, to close up the few remaining gaps (I actually ran out of Cadian legs!). Once everything is built, it’ll be 200 guardsmen plus command and heavy squads. 7 squads are currently painted, so I have about 130 guardsmen to paint.

Fortunately, I don’t have to really think about this process. I’ve been painting Cadians for twenty years! It’ll be nice to have this whole force painted.

I haven’t really had a chance to update the first few posts above, yet, and I’m not sure when I’ll get to it, but it’ll get done at some point. Remind me for next year’s BATG that I need a simpler system!

For today’s score update, it’s just a +1. The Figure Case record has wiggled a bit as I reorganise and build the infantry, though:

BATG score: 103 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -28 :white_check_mark:


Speed round!

Eight more guardsmen painted.


BATG score: 95 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -36 :white_check_mark:


<3 @ 2nd ed rhino!

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My dude, it’s not actually a 2nd ed rhino! It’s just a tribute.



20 more bodies to help get my Imperial Guard infantry padded out, and some glue because I’m running out a little!

I’ll be adding them to the BATG and Shame Golf counts but I’ve kind of included them in the Figure Case count already so that count is more of a shuffle around than a proper update.

I am getting dangerously close to unrecoverable numbers here, aren’t I? Oh well, there’s always next year!

BATG score: 115 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -16 :white_check_mark:


Oh right, I see it now. ^^"

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Another quick update:

I bought a Brood Brothers box to get a few more bodies for my Guard. I think that’s all I’ll need, but I’ll have to do some more building before I can be sure.

They’re already included in the Figure Case count, but they’re 12 modes for BATG and Shame Golf.

I somehow don’t think I’ll manage to get back into the positives by end of year! But, we’ll see how we go…

BATG score: 127 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -4 :white_check_mark:


And another:

Ten more guardsmen painted. The heavy weapon team took a while to dry so has an updated photo now that I’ve done the base.

EDIT: I forgot! The heavy weapons team caps off the first squad in the platoon so I get an extra point in Shame Golf!

(Why I ever thought it was a good idea to use three separate scoring systems is beyond me).

Oh, and uh I just reviewed the scoring for Shame Golf and a new release army set is an extra +20 points. So if, for example, I had pre-ordered the new Cadia Stands box (which I have) that will be a whopping +52 to my Shame Golf score. RIP me, I guess.

BATG score: 117 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -15 :white_check_mark:


I undercoated fifty guardsmen this weekend.

That is all.

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A Hellhound arrived today:

I mainly picked it up for the commander torso and head, since that’s what I’ve been using for my Ventilator platoon commanders and I want three of those.

The third Hellhound is just a nice bonus!

BATG score: 118 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -14 :white_check_mark:


Three things happened today

Firstly, I painted the base rims to finish up my Kill Team:

The table in my study is currently occupied by about sixty other guardsmen so I’ve got nowhere to set up the lightbox just at the moment, so a workbench picture will have to do.

EDIT: I eventually got that photo booth shot:

They’re painted up as Armageddon Steel Legion, because the symmetry pleases me. They’re ten models for the count and a bonus point in shame golf for finishing a unit.

Secondly, another unit of Krieg Death Korps arrived.

Because I waited twenty years for trench coat clad guardsmen and I’m bloody well making a platoon of them. That’s plus ten for the BATG count, so a net zero for today so far.

Thirdly, this:

Cadia Stands! My preorder box set arrived.

And my scores are all shot to hell, now. There’s twenty shock troops, a five-man command squad, a sentinel and two field ordinance batteries, which I’m counting as three models each because crew. So that’s 32 models for the count, and in Shame Golf, a whopping TWENTY penalty points for buying a new release army box - although I get a point for finishing the Kill Team!

So, the painted models cancel out the Krieg guardsmen, and +32 for BATG and +51 for Shame Golf.

RIP, lads.

BATG score: 150 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: 37 :negative_squared_cross_mark:


7 Cadians painted this weekend:

Since I’ve been reorganising squads these combine with some models displaced from other squads to form a unit of 10, so that’s -7 from BATG score and -8 from Shame Golf.

BATG score: 143 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: 29 :negative_squared_cross_mark:

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Conclusions, 28 December 2022

Alright, I think that’s a wrap. I have sadly been whacked by a nasty chest infection since just before Christmas so I’m happy to call the year here. I have a few models on the painting table but I very much doubt I’ll be getting anything completed before the New Year strikes.

And the results are…

Final Scores

BATG and Shame Golf:

  • :arrow_up: Models added: 386
  • :arrow_down: Models painted: 243

:arrow_right: Total BATG score: 143

  • :arrow_up: New release penalties: 20
  • :arrow_down: Gifts: 109
  • :arrow_down: Models sold or given away: 13
  • :arrow_down: Unit & boxset completion bonuses: 12

:arrow_right: Total Shame Golf score: 29

Figure Case:

Remembering that these are “effort” painted, not just single miniatures.

  • :red_square: Unassembled: 518 → 592 :arrow_up: +74 net added
  • :orange_square: Assembled: 901 → 1061 :arrow_up: +160 net assembled
  • :yellow_square: In Progress: 356 → 283 :arrow_down: -73 net primed or partly painted
  • :green_square: Finished: 556 → 828 :arrow_up: +272 completed

At year’s end, there’s a few models part-painted or undercoated, and I’ve sold a few over the year, but the total final painted is 243. With a mere 386 models added to the pile, my final BATG score is 143. It’s a positive failure - I’ve reached reverse Platinum, but fell 7 purchases short of 150. I shall have to try harder next year if I want that inverted Blackshard badge!

In seriousness though, I’m not at all dissatisfied. This has been easily and by far the most productive year I’ve ever spent on the miniature painting hobby, accounting for maybe a third of all the models I’ve ever painted! I absolutely count this as a success, even if, on the monthly figures, I’ve literally never been in the black as @chitzkoi says. Womp-womp!

This blog has been marvellous motivation, and updating the counts and posting about my progress has been almost as much fun as seeing my collection grow and fill out my display case! I will admit that I bit off quite a bit more than I can chew in terms of tracking, so next year’s blog will be a bit simpler. I think that having two separate scores, while a neat idea, was far too fiddly. It didn’t add all that much in the end. I think instead of all the fussing around with multiple tracking systems, I’ll be sticking to a single score-keeping manner next year. One in, one out, proper BATG style.

This year, I’ve had a lot of luck painting basic infantry, doing some rebasing, and some characters. Once I hit my stride, contrast paints were my friends. A lot of the models I got finished were already in progress - primed or at least assembled already - not to mention the ones that were “just” a rebase. Priming and assembling was a bit of a challenge, because the weather has been wrong for spray can primer most of the year and using an airbrush can be tortuous. My partner has gotten me a new airbrush, so hopefully that will smooth things a little. Meanwhile, ventilation has started to prove a bit of a problem in the way of assembly. I’m not sure how I’ll deal with that, but maybe the solution is to buy less minis (nah). At least basing isn’t the chokepoint it once was, now that I’ve found a quick system I like!

As a final reflection, almost all the models I got done this year were infantry on 25-40mm bases. There’s a lot of monsters, tanks and other large models in my backlog that I just couldn’t bring myself to get started on. I branched out a little with some Imperial Guard vehicles late in the game this year, so hopefully, I can change my ways in 2023 and make it the “Year of the Tank”!

Maybe it will also be a “year of the negative BATG score” but I guess we’ll have to see.

Thanks to everyone who viewed, liked, or commented in 2022. Here’s to next year! :clinking_glasses:

Happy New BATG!