First Post
Well, it’s been a rough start to the year for me. On New Year’s Day I had to go to hospital for the same thing that’s put me there several times in the last few years. I’m okay, but it’s left me pretty drained and sore; unable to really exploit what should be some prime hobbying time.
Also (possibly worse) I spent a few days on some powerful painkillers with full access to eBay and nothing better to do!
So not only am I starting this year’s battle in a weakened state, but I’m faced with additional challenge in the form of early purchases - apparently, 2025 will be the Year of the Handicap!
The first of these purchases arrived today:
In case you can’t tell, that’s two units of five Genestealer Cult Atalan Jackals from 40k. I decided these models would be ideally suited to play the role of Militia Cavalry in my Heresy army, since my last game taught me that I needed some speed bumps to keep melee troops away from my tanks for a little while.
There’s ten models in there, plus some bits to build more Destroyers for my Death Guard. I have no idea when I’ll get to build and paint them, but I’m enjoying both projects so they will hopefully not spend too much time on the pile.
Additionally, I have managed to find the strength to slap some paint on a few models:
Five shotgun-armed troopers for the Heresy Militia. I intended to run them as a reconnaissance squad before I had the idea to get the bikers, since I found some Sentinel pilot heads that suited the role. They might serve briefly as Grenadiers as well, since I’m considering a mixed unit loadout with some shotguns to counter charging units.
So, a rough start to the year, and probably a sign of things to come.
Ten on the pile, five off.
BATG Score: +5