EvilFuzzyDoom’s Devoted of Hashut

An update!

Yesterday I had to go in to work at my actual office (I have extended work from home due to medical stuff) and rewarded myself with a Greywater Fastness Start Collecting from the Warhammer store, since I figured the bits and pieces I’d mail-ordered wouldn’t arrive for a little while longer.

When I arrived home, I discovered that almost all of the the bits and pieces I’d mail-ordered were waiting on the front door step, and also that I’d locked myself out of the house.

After my wonderful partner had come home to let me in, I was able to take stock.

My new supplies included:

  • A Fyreslayers Auric Runemaster
  • Some 40k Grot heads
  • 20 Battle for Skull Pass warriors already kitbashed into Chaos Dwarfs by the previous owner
  • A moderately sized bag of chaos bits (which definitely contains less warrior heads than the listing picture showed, but whatever)
  • A Warden King
  • A Cogsmith
  • 10 Ironbreakers/Irondrakes
  • A gyrocopter (which I’ve already sold, lol)

And there’s a box of Skaven clanrats still in the mail yet to arrive - gonna make some hobgoblins!

In between work today I had a fiddle with my haul.

I knew that the kitbashed Skull Pass warriors would need some love, and I’d actually intended to start by pulling them apart and completely redoing them all, but some are really good already. I’ll have to go through them carefully and be picky about which ones get a rework.

I’ve done a little bit of exploratory fitting on the Irondrakes (to serve as Blunderbuss dwarfs), trying to figure out how best to fit the Chaos Warrior heads on. Since I don’t want to do any cutting on the bodies, I’m looking at one of two options: either I clip the necks just right to be able to get the helmets sit on top, or I’ll need to carve out a concave cut into the back of the helmet to get it to sit lower.

I’m leaning towards adding the cut to get the helmet to sit lower, because that means I can pad the neck with green stuff and push it a little further forward. That would make a beard look a bit more natural, too. Although I’m not sure whether the blunderbuss units will get beards, I figure I should make sure that if I build future units this way that I can add beards.

I was most excited about the Fyreslayer. He’s going to be my first Sorcerer-Prophet/general, and I had a pretty solid plan for what I was going to do with him:

Similar to a conversion that uses Kragg the Grimm that I found on Pinterest, Sorcerer Prophet 1, I used the Chaos Terminator Lord sorcerer head. Since the Fyreslayers are crazy-ornate, I haven’t don’t much else to it except reuse the model’s beard and fill in the body cavity with green stuff. It’s also based on a 25mm base rather than 32mm because everything I’m planning to use him as defaults to the smaller base size.

No big progress shot this time, too much stuff is still on sprue. The test dwarf is primed, though.

I’m going to have to start thinking about colour schemes now, aren’t I… oh no.