EvilFuzzyDoom’s Devoted of Hashut

Remember that lord on a rock I first worked on in May 2021 and finished building in September 2021?

I painted it!

I decided I really wanted to do a Chaos Dwarf for model #200 in Battle Against the Grey 2023, and I really do love this little conversion, so it was meant to be.

I’ve been planning on giving him a lava/forge-hot axe for maybe fifteen months or something ridiculous, since Duncan Rhodes put out his “how to paint hot swords” video - although I ended up going a slightly different direction with it.

I had to get a bit creative with photo filters due to some weird lighting, so the pictures show the highlights on the green as a bit scratchier than they are. I am nonetheless very very happy with how this model looks and I think I’ve done the conversion justice -

Paint wise, the only unique thing for this model, other than the axe, was the cape. I went back and forth a bit on whether to pick out the embroidery but in the end I decided that the colour was enough of a “pop” without putting much more into it. It’s just Volupus Pink over Rakarth Flesh. Contrast does good work, and it’s a bit more in-palette than either of Magos or Leviathan Purple.

Im not sure it comes across in the picture properly, but I’m really pleased with the horns, not really sure why. They just pop. I’m a man of simple tastes, sometimes!

Now hopefully it won’t be so long before I paint more short angry lads!

EDIT: I forgot that I promised work-in-progress shots!

Here they are:

Here’s the first pass at the axe:

I started with Fenrisian Grey, popped on a layer of Magmadroth Orange and then just went nuts stippling red, orange, yellow, and brown until I was happy with it. Then white in the crevice and black around the edges.

Everything done except the green: